Who: Eddie Riggs & EVERYONE; adults who attend
When: Thursday, 1 am onwards. (Open to back tagging)
Where: Rec Room
Summary: Eddie decides POKER NIGHT is the best idea for off week.
Rating: PG-13 to R to be safe.
Warnings: Smoking, drinking, cursing, poker and horrible drunken stories. Thread jacking out the wazzoo. Mingling funtimes.
Lay down the cards on the table and see what you get )
Not that it will dissuade her any.
The roadie gets a friendly smile. "Enjoying the married life?"
She gives Tyki a nod. "How's that itching problem?"
And hell. He's awesome at poker. (England and Canada and France and Monaco just always beat him through cheating and being generally lame. It's not his fault even Lithuania can beat him at most poker games.)
Since she's clearly going to win, with her luck and surrounded by top class cheaters. She'll just crack open a beer and shove out a chair for the other blond to have.
"Well, asides gettin' used to the combined last names thing, that was a little odd at first."
Her cards are probably worse than his, and she makes a face at them. Not even really a point in bluffing with a single ten as a hand.
"I like the combined last names. It doesn't make one person change to match the other."
"S'why we picked that- sides the fact I sorta gave Deathbringer that name 'fore we got super serious or had five million kids," Needlessly to say, Sasha was not amused by that fact.
Who needs a good hand when you've got good alcohol? And those chips that she liked. Tsunade helped herself to another drink and a handful of chips. It was something she wondered about, how Sasha and Eddie even managed to keep a lid on the chaos that was their suite.
"Two of them are almost teenagers after all, so we give them free reign, long as they don't do black romance shit all over the suite,"
"Still, have to hand it to the both of you for taking them on. It's the ones mostly watching out for themselves that I would worry the most about. Not that I approve of Sasha's approach to vetting potential boyfriends. Did you hear he sent that to Harry, as well?"
"True enough- Sollux has gotten himself killed by Eridan before, blackrom shit," He's shaking his head little at that since shh, don't tell anybody, but he's protective of his 'son'. The second part of Tsunade's sentence finally registered and warranted a amused snort. "...Seriously?" Welp, here is obvious amusement on Eddie's features. "Harry didn't fill it out did he? Cause shit- Sasha ain't serious about that paperwork."
"Are you kidding? Of course he filled it out. He even requested a copy of his medical files from me. Probably doesn't help his case that I have 'idiot' written in bright red across the front of his file."
"I hope you two know, Sasha just was fuckin' with both of you." As far as Eddie knew, Sasha had never intended the paperwork to be anything remotely serious. "He only was jokin' with Damian, probably the same for Harry too."
Tsunade shrugs, tossing her failed hand into the middle so she can be dealt in again. "Harry suspected as such, but had something about wanting to make sure my best friend knew he was serious about this."
Eddie has to give a small snort, "Just wasted a lot of paper- but at least for a good thing,"
"Complete waste of paper, but I wasn't going to argue with him over it." She pops open another beer and offers another to Eddie.
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