Who: Bado Nails, Haine Rammsteiner, Allen Walker and Howard Link
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: the Platform, where Link and Allen are sitting.
Summary: Haine and Bado decides to come 'visit' Allen and Link. They're true motives however, are far more... EVIL.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Bado and Haine being cuddly, Link being awkward
tiniest log start evar!.. )
The albino had been pretty bored, so this new turn of events was something he welcomed even if it was a little outisde of his character to go out of his way just to bother someone. Seeing Link's face was certain to be more than amusing. He waved at Allen with his laptop wedged under his arm when they approached.
"How's it going, kid?"
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He recognized the red-head as the man he'd spoken with on the laptops before. And the albino, he was... oh, my. Why were they coming over here? Link remembered a mention of them being friends with Walker, but...
Link straightened up where he sat, managing to look more rigid that he normally did (quite the feat, as anyone who knew him could tell you). He pasted an attempt at a neutral expression on his face, but his discomfort at the couple's presence was all too obvious.
He looked up at Haine and patted the spot next to himself. "Have a seat babe."
"I'm glad you're alright. Bado and I were smart and got the hell up here as soon as the idea was proposed." He said, leaning against the redhead and dipping his head to almost lean it on his shoulder. Crimson eyes peered out from messy white hair and he smiled at the other white-haired boy.
"I'm worried about the reset but...We've just gotta hold tight I guess." He said, reaching over and intertwining his fingers with Bado's.
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Normally this type of situation wouldn't be a problem. He was more than used to simply loitering behind the cursed boy as he carried on his normal, daily conversations. He did his job, interacted as little as possible, and everyone went home happy, but this... this was awkward. Awkward because he knew what these two men were. Because of how they were acting towards each other. It was wrong. Something he couldn't understand, and just another thing he couldn't do anything about.
Link settled on staring intently at his laptop, gripping the machine tightly in his lap, hoping to escape from this encounter with some dignity intact.
He took another drag off of his cigarette, blowing the smoke right at Timcanpy. He had to admit, the gold thing was pretty fun to have around.
Bado's gaze fell of Link, he found it amusing that the other man was so obviously uncomfortable. "Hey, talk to anybody interesting lately, Two Spot?"
"You're not exactly talkative, are you, Mr. Link?" He asked and leaned over, now resting his cheek fully on the red-head's shoulder.
Haine smiled a wide-toothed grin at the blonde sitting next to Allen. This was pretty ridiculous.
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It was not so much a fear as the actual word might describe, but a deep rift in understanding. What these men were doing was against one of the many rules he'd leaned as a child. Admittedly rigid rules, but they'd kept him alive and well thus far, and he was grateful for them. He had no doubts in that particular aspect of his upbringing, and to see such universal truths being so blatantly cast aside...
"I would appreciate if you did not call me that," he replied quietly, his words directed at Bado and the anxiety running all through him quite apparent.
"Awh, but Link! I'm sure you have so many wonderful stories you could tell us. Like, where'd the braid come from? Some family tradition maybe?" He smiled widely. "All of Haine and mine's are pretty boring. Being on the battlefield... together." He grinned.
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