Jun 14, 2011 02:13

Who: EVERYONE that wants to come
When: June 14th, all day pretty much?
Where: Rec room! And possibly biodome later?
Summary: A birthday party bash for Sora, Kanda, and Komui
Rating: PG-13 [for drunks]
Warnings: DRUNK PEOPLE. KANDA. Will add as necessary.

It was decorated the best that two people could possibly do with such little time to get a party together, really it was spur of the moment. But there are banners hung everywhere announcing the birthday people, fortunately not their ages. There are also paper lanterns and paper...airplanes? If one looks close enough they have writing on them, notes perhaps? Whom's?

The karaoke machine has music playing - if it survived Harry's party - and there's even a bit of food spread out, the last of Lavi's stash from Gotham with most of it being of the finger food variety that promised not to go stale for a while due to packaging. There's a few bottles with the various liquors that are available this week for those that want it and a few bottles of water. But Lavi is standing guard over those, you only get a little bit! Rationing is a must!

[[ooc; Feel free to use action tags or prose, thread-jump, have fun.]]

kanda yu, party, howard link, lavi, open, tyki mikk, *incomplete

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