Who: Ramona Flowers, Sollux Captor
When: Saturday evening
Where: Cafeteria
Summary: Saria will always be... your friend. Same goes for Ramona and Sollux, I guess!
Rating: PG for strong language
Warnings: Possible swearing, cuddles, hug, emo kids, computers
After talking with Feferi, Ramona realized she really needed to talk to Sollux, too. Like... REALLY needed to talk to him. The amount of need involved in this was of the burning variety and if Ramona didn't track him down soon, she was bound to go up in flames.
Of course, to avoid literal flames, she had to catch him when he wasn't in his room. There was a certain girl in his suite that she did not want to deal with... ever. LUCKILY Sollux had headed towards the cafeteria a few minutes ago, and Ramona just happened to be heading that same way!
... Okay, so she was following him. It's not creepy if it's your friend! Right? Whatever. She stood just outside the cafeteria doors, waiting until he got all settled doing whatever it was he was doing.