Who: Xion and Ryoji
When: Thursday Night
Where: Room 37C
Summary: Out of mutual worry and care, two friends make some time for each other's feelings.
Rating: PG, might be a PG-13 phrase or two. Or fourty.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, lots of switching between the two,
Xion was just lying on her bed and staring absent-mindedly at the door. She wondered if he was going to be late or if he'd even come at all. It wasn't like she'd really mind. There were probably better things for him to be doing, anyway. But even so, she hoped it wouldn't be long before he walked through. It had been a pretty quiet, lonely week. Not to mention that fact that she was still pretty depressed from the events of two weeks previous. It had been almost completely absent from her mind the whole week until tonight. All of a sudden she just couldn't stop thinking of the memory. A sigh escaped her lips and her eyes stayed fixed on the door. With nothing else to do, she just tapped her fingers along her hips, waiting for him. It was going to be nice. Finally, really talking to this interesting person, not just in passing anymore. Not before or after some strange or tragic event.
Just some quiet time with a friend. That would help cheer her up.