No matter what you're gonna break my shell

Apr 18, 2011 17:36

Who: Alessa Gillespie and Franken Stein
When: Backdated to Friday of illusion week
Where: Wherever Stein's been staying
Summary: Look, just because Alessa gleefully mind raped Stein while totally in control of herself doesn't mean they can't be friends. Alessa proves this by giving him cookies.
Rating: PG to PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse (it involves Alessa), references to mind fucks, possible language, Stein being scared to death and Alessa being the adorable little hell child she is.

Alessa balanced the tray of cookies on one hand before knocking on the door of the little house where she sensed Stein. Her knock is pathetically soft.

So she makes a fist, hopping a little to get at the door knocker, and knocked on that once before she was hanging off it. Then she let go, landing on the ground feet first, the tray still somehow staying balanced. Apparently, seven year olds are used to dealing with being tiny and have adapted accordingly.

franken stein, alessa gillespie

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