Who: Patchouli Knowledge and Twilight Sparkle
When: Backdated to Friday of illusion week
Where: A random oubliette
Summary: Patchouli's clown has captured Twilight Sparkle. Cue Patchouli being a total creeper.
Rating: PG to PG-13
Warnings: Creepers. Clowns.
Patchouli frowned, running a lone hand through Twilight's mane. Twilight had been sleeping for almost a full day now. Most ponies didn't sleep that long, did they?
As for Patchouli herself, she wasn't looking too good herself. She hadn't slept in several days, and she was still wearing the clothes she had tortured Alex Mercer with. The blood was dried and crusted, staining her clothes a deep red. She had at least taken the courtesy of cleaning her hands at some point, so none of the blood was getting on Twilight.