Who: Rospark, Galleons and YOU!
When: All week long!
Where: Anywhere in Gotham!
Summary: Rospark is gay for murder (and also male children), hates women and has been ordered to go on a murder spree.
Rating: The worst one.
Warnings: SadoMasoPedoRoboNecroBestiality and everything below that on the moral scale.
Sado: Enjoying others pain. Maso: Enjoying your own pain. Pedo: Sexual attraction to children. Robo: Being a machine. Necro: Rospark is a zombie robot. Bestiality: You're all buggered. )
"Oh no, b~o~y~" Rospark chimed, a spark of electricty traveling down his leg as he lightly stomped on the vending machine's top. A second later, the machine began to drop drinks rapidly from the slot.
"Toys are for playing with! I am a player myself~"
"Oh no, b~o~y," Rospark sung, elongating the word that he loved so as one of his metal vines extend to hover near Youji's face. "You're the cute one here."
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