Who: Bro and Dave Strider
When: Sunday... eveningish?
Where: Biodome
Rating: PG-13ish?
Warning: Strider language. Ironic bullshit. Drowning?? Anything can happen, idefk
There were fuckin' buckets of poison around every which way, hell if he was gonna stay in his room.
The air was easier out in the halls. Sort of. There was some crazy bullshit going down tonight and there wasn't really anywhere that was neutral ground here right now, but the biodome was safe. Right? Fucking trees. And grass. Grass didn't hurt people, it was goddamn grass, man's best friend. Just above dogs. Fuck dogs now. Bro would solemnly swear that he never liked dogs. Hellbeasts, all of them.
...But, yeah, poison gas stuff, so people were saying on the network. Or -- dying on the network. So getting away from them was good, very good, there'd been some quick rushing out of the rooms on that one. Bro wasn't taking any goddamn chances, not after what those stupid shitty observations had thrown at him. Jesus Christ, the once wasn't enough? Whatever, it was good for Dave to get to some good leg-stretchin' too. Or something.
"And it ain't even creative, just bang, Red fuckin' Queen hates your face, shitty poison, kicked every single bucket. How's that fun?"