Who: Darc and Vaarsuvius
When: Sunday reset, Rebellion week
Where: 9A
Summary: Darc never pinged the network. Vaarsuvius knows how he works. So, of course, V goes to make sure he gets the medical attention he needs.
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Not much. Darc's language.
You don't have to sacrifice your pride... )
He grunts at the effort of it, slowly uncurling and supporting himself with his left, undamaged arm, his face tense as he extends his damaged right arm towards the other, who’s sitting on the bed (something Darc has failed to utilise ever since his arrival at the facility, given that he’s unaccustomed to the concept of furniture). His movements afford Vaarsuvius a better look at him, revealing the deep, dark bruises that litter his face and torso, along with the gashes and gouges he received during the previous week’s experiment.
Vaarsuvius allowed him to take the bottle, then s/he reached into the pouch again and pulled out a bag of popcorn.
"Eat this if you feel you can keep it down."
S/he put it next to him, examining his wounds closely with hir eyes.
His face is oddly passive as he watches V place the bag of popcorn down beside him (whatever that was), his crimson eyes looking uncharacteristically vacant. He needed it....he knew he did, but he didn't think he could manage it just yet, his overt feelings of hunger having long since dissapipated over the course of the week.
"Will you allow me to touch your hand? I can treat that wound and remove the pain."
'It's fine,' he attempted to assert, despite the fact that anyone would be able to see this wasn't the case. Still, again, his voice lacked a lot of the force it would usually carry if someone had asked to touch him, and there was no hint of the hissing or growling that he usually engaged in when dealing with healers.
"I will not touch you if you do not wish it, Darc. All you have to do is tell me no and I will respect that." Vaarsuvius tucked a wayward strand of hair behind hir ear, beginning to wonder if s/he should bring out the tribbles. Thoes little creatures were very therapeutic. "I can try to treat you without touch, but you will need to hold out your hand."
'...It'll heal on it's own. Just...leave me the water, or something. I'll be alright.'
Hir pride had come before too many people. It was time to let it come last.
"...I was quite concerned when I realized you were gone, Darc," s/he started slowly, fingering hir sleeve. "I do not like being powerless to help those I feel affinity for. Please do not make me feel so powerless again."
'Why would you be concerned about me? It makes....no sense,' his words were slightly laboured thanks to the pain from his broken ribs, though he was doing his best to ignore it; he'd broken them before after all...
Vaarsuvius wasn't making eye-contact, preferring to keep fiddling with hir sleeve and trying to ignore the red color coming to the tips of hir ears.
"Friends have value."
Instead, he silently held his hand out for Vaarsuvius to inspect, trying hard to keep the pain this movement caused him from crossing his face. This was easier to deal with than to try and put his feelings into words.
Vaarsuvius looked down at his hand, resisting the urge to take it, and pointed at the wound carefully. "This will hurt, but only for a moment. Scorching Ray."
A beam of white heat burst out of the elf's finger, carefully cauterizing the wound before Vaarsuvius curled hir hand into a fist and shut off the magic.
He curled his hand back in towards his body once the heat had faded, slowly this time, in an attempt to avoid jarring his ribs.
There was a pause, Vaarsuvius resisting the urge to chew on hir lip.
"I know you are not a fool, Darc. Do not act like one by putting stock in whatever slanderous things they said about you."
‘They’re....not that bad. They don’t need looking at...’ he intoned, his eyes turned towards the floor.
He curled in on himself a little again on hearing Vaarsuvius’ next comment; this wasn’t something he was willing to discuss, not now. He didn’t want to think about it. ‘.....they didn’t....tell me anything I didn’t already know.’
And with that, V was ready to drop the topic. The elf used the light s/he had put in the corner to see the wounds, ready to lie through hir teeth.
"Of course they aren't severe, Darc. You are not heavily wounded. It is only that I wish to make sure you do not become infected that I insist on remaining here."
Vaarsuvius pointed, "Scorching Ray," and cauterized the stab wounds carefully.
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