[ Open Log ] Watanuki Kimihiro, Housewaifu~

Jul 26, 2010 15:27

Who: dreamdecoder and YOU!
When: NOW. So, Monday afternoon.
Where: The downstairs cafeteria
Summary: Watanuki finds himself wandering around in a French Maid ensemble, and going to look at these food bars that Sebastian talked about in the cafeteria. Because he's not going to take this lying down. No. He's going to take it flailing, most likely.
Rating: G - PG-13
Warnings: Swearing. CAPSLOCK or rather, holding Shift down while typing it all out. Watanuki screaming and... anything else you may contribute.

At first, Watanuki didn't want to leave his suite. This was all a nightmare, truly, and the tone-toned eyed youth was in a state of panic. He had eventually fallen asleep out of pure exhaustion, however, when he awoke again, there was more screaming to be had for the unfortunate residents of Suite 17 (perhaps even to be heard by the surrounding Suites, from 15 - 19). Not only did he wake up in the same horrific place, but this time, he was donned in the fluffy, frilly fabric of a perfectly tailored French maid outfit. And thus, his initial suspicions were confirmed.



But, because he was Watanuki Kimihiro, and he was used to Yuuko sticking him in ridiculous get-ups, the two-toned eyed youth threw the door open to the Suite, stomping out towards the cafeteria.

He had more important things to worry about.

Upon his arrival, the youth looked towards what was being served--and lo behold, everything that Sebastian had said was true.

Bottled water. Food bars.

Food bars. Food fucking bars.

Watanuki took on in his hand. Immediately, perhaps it was a muscle spasm, he crushed it in his hand, a look possessed ringing in his eyes.

"What is this." The vocals were about to begin. "WHAT IS THIS. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, THIS IS NOT FOOD, THIS IS CHEAP PROCESSED SHIT!

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" He screamed again when no one seemed to answer him, pointing at the crumbling substance as he stood in his frilly maid getup. "DON'T TELL ME PEOPLE ACTUALLY EAT THIS!"

sora, hiei, aoko nakamori, justin law, watanuki kimihiro

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