Who: Amanda Young and Kurosaki Ichigo
When: Monday evening
Where: Cafeteria
Summary: Amanda is feeling stressed and goes to think in the cafeteria...it's also a good place to change her bandages.
Rating: PG-13 Will edit as needed
Warnings: References to self abuse, language from both Ichigo and Amanda, Violence, and Blood
Be careful little strawberry )
Ichigo hadn't really slept since coming back to life either, and it showed with the dark circles under his eyes. The orange haired teen felt like shit, even after the reset. His shoulder gave a phantom twinge as if on cue with that, and one hand came up to grasp it. Ichigo kept walking, brows knitting hard.
The shinigami entered the cafeteria, and he had started to head for food...but he stopped when he heard a female's voice over to one side. Brown eyes flicked over, half curious and half on edge. After accidentally running in to Madara in the earlier hours of the morning, Ichigo knew better to let his guard down ( ... )
Sitting up, she glared up at him while rubbing at her wrists. "Yeah, I'm just peachy."
Brown eyes flick from her face to those instead, and Ichigo is frowning harder. He wonders what happened, but his concern certainly won't be shown to her.
"What do you need from the first aid kit that ain't there?" Ichigo asked almost flatly, still eyeing those wrists. Perhaps looking more curious in expression then he was letting on.
Noticing where his gaze landed, she pulls her wrists closer to her body. They weren't his concern...the last thing she wanted was for him to lecture her.
"If you're going to talk to me, then look me in the face."
"There are alternatives you know. Pretty easy if you just stop and think about it." He responded, sounding rather irritated.
Ichigo paused, making sure to look at her and not her wrists. His scowl increased, and then he turned as if to start walking. Naturally making it seem like it was a hassle when in reality he was doing it out of guilt.
"Grab the gauze....c'mon. I'll get you something sharp."
"How about this. You bring me something sharp, and then I can do it in my room." Alone, where no one can pester her.
Like hell she was going to where he could watch her. He'd probably get even more suspicious when she didn't have a previous wound.
"Oi, you want somethin' sharp or not? I ain't comin' back so take the offer or leave it!"
Keeping her tone hostile, she glared at the boy. "And just where did you find something sharp here? I've been looking for a week and haven't found anything with a sharp enough edge." There was no way he found something.
Just in case. Not having his sword was a problem.
"Man, you really don't think outta the box, do you?" He asked, grin widening just slightly. Still, the orange haired teen kept walking. He assumed if she wanted to know that bad, she'd follow.
It was convenient that his room was just across the hall from the cafeteria, so it didn't take long before Ichigo reached his door. He pushed it open, and moved to answer, but paused to glance back.
Frowning slightly, she followed after him. Give him a few hours alone with her and she'd have him thinking in a box.
At the least she could always jack whatever it is and take off. Sighing, she stepped into his room...it wasn't much different from hers.
Sitting on his bed, she watched him carefully.
"So? What is this amazing thing you found?"
Then he was nodding back at the door to signal for her to follow him. His 'roommates' might get pissed, but Ichigo didn't really care. Nope.
He headed in to the bathroom and without even waiting for Amanda, he swung his fist into the mirror to break it. The noise was kind of exciting to the teen, and he just grinned wider as he unwrapped the shitagi from his fist and plucked a rather big shard of mirror from the some of the pieces that had crashed into the sink.
With that he turned to her and held his hand out as if to offer it. If she moved to take it however, she would find him drawing his hand back and raising his eyebrows at her. An expectant look.
Okay, even she had to admit. That was a good idea...and she'd have to remember it for her room if he decided to keep the glass. Well...as long as her drag queen roommate didn't stop her.
Grinning slightly, she reached for the glass. Only to frown in immediate disapproval at his pulling it back.
"What's wrong with you? Give it." She kept her hand out for him to return it.
Then the orange haired teen stepped past her, and paused.
"Shut the door and have at if you don't want me watching. Or go back to your room, 's up to you."
"I think I'll take care of it in my room if it's all the same to you."
But first, she'd need to make a detour to pick back up that gauze she'd left. Honestly, she didn't expect him to have anything.
Brows knit hard as he realized that her hand was bleeding. Then his hand shoots out to grab her forearm and yank her hand up in to view before turning on her. Eyes blazing.
"What the hell?!"
"What do you expect, asshole! It's glass!"
The position he was holding her hand in made the blood change direction, moving down her arm, slowly seeping into the bandage on her right arm.
"Let go!"
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