Who: Axel, Roxas, Sora, Sai, Jet, Erutis, Usagi, Kanda, Link, Kenshin, Allen, Tasuki, Samus and anyone who wants to watch!
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The biodome, inside a ring of sticks strung together with...string, away from the bits that are destroyed.
Summary: TOURNAMENT TIME! All that planning is actually being put to use!
Rating: PG-13
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She examined the bat as she stepped into the ring, then cast a glance in the direction of the man who was apparently behind this farce. "Hey, ref! Do the rules so we have to use these thingies?" She held up the bat to show what she meant. She knew even if her opponent chose to hold on to her own weapon, she'd probably stand a better chance using her speed and agility to snatch the balls away by hand.
It wasn't even near to a sword, having a different weight distribution and function. Testing it out with a few basic swings, she frowned.
"This... is so ridiculous."
"So, when do we start?"
"Whenever we want?"
But more to test out her limitations than any sort of calculated attack, she executed a perfect handspring to land behind Erutis. It didn't come as naturally for her as it should have, and the weight on her wrist would be painful later, but she could still do it. And that was good enough.
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