Who: Noin, OPEN
When: Monday, vampire week
Where: The halls
Summary: Despite the fact that she smells like a rather nice meal, Noin has finally decided to go exploring.
Rating: PG-13 (This may change)
Warnings: Possible Nommage
Noin sighed as she wandered down the halls. Heero was gone, so at least one of them got away. At least she hoped so. She had kept to her room for a while now, just leaving to try and get something to eat when she was hungry. She had been trying for the longest time to try and access a network outside of the journal system but each time she failed.
She finally decided to leave her room when she thought that she was going to throw the computer monitor across the room. She didn't care that people were talking about having fangs or that everyone smelled like a meal. She just had to get out of her room before she went stir crazy.