Who: Trowa and Quatre
When: This afternoon
Where: Quatre's room, 8A
Summary: Quatre refuses to eat. Trowa refuses to let him continue doing so.
Rating: PG13 for now, we'll see where it goes.
Warnings: Biting, om nom nom. Also teeth-rotting cute. If you don't feel like paying millions of dollars in dentist bills, turn around now.
Trowa was concerned. Duo was falling to pieces with Heero gone and Quatre was refusing to eat with the current experiment going. Right now the priority was Quatre, because Trowa wasn't sure how long the blond could last without eating and if they could get past this first day, then the rest of the week would be easy.
So he'd decided the element of surprise would be his best asset in convincing the pilot to feed from him. If he showed up unexpectedly, then Quatre would be set off-balance by his sudden appearance and would be more likely to give in to the urge to feed. With no time to mentally prepare himself, it would be a simple task of getting close enough that he wouldn't be able to resist.
So in order for this to happen, Trowa didn't knock as he approached Quatre's door. He simply opened it and walked in.