Who: Suzaku, Lelouch, sooprise ninja
When: Thursday morning
Where: Lelouch's room
Summary: The bondage is DONE with. Lelouch wails and laments his lost brother. Wallzaku holds strong. Some crazy lady tries to kick him in the head.
Rating: PG-13, maybe? Possible cursing. Possible fail violence. Probable angst.
Warnings: ...See the above! :|b
Ohhh, waffle time, it's waffle time, won't you have some waffles of miiine )
So, yes, he could have picked a worse game.
As it was, he was hesitantly reaching for the dice on his own part, peering up at Lelouch's question. "Well, no, I mean-- We could always play another game." Lelouch hadn't been talking about the game, but so long as they weren't discussing anything remotely relative to hearts, it was okay.
He had a sudden and juvenile urge to overturn the board right into the floor, but he repressed it. He knew it wasn't really Suzaku's fault. His friend was just trying to help; it was just never in the right ways. That was the story of Suzaku's life.
"Suicide watch? That's a little harsh." But, no, that was essentially what it was. Speaking of 'too rash'. This was all to keep Lelouch from getting his HEART ripped out at his own discretion. "We don't have to play it if you don't want to. Staring at each other in one, lonely bedroom is a little dull, though. Maybe it was a bad idea."
He crossed his arms against his chest and glared up at the ceiling. "It may be harsh, but if the shoe fits, Suzaku..."
He sighed again. He hadn't had contact with Rolo in days, and other than the pleasant little dinner conversation he'd had with Sebastian, there'd been no contact with a would-be executioner, either. So even if he wanted to find a way to beat Rolo to his death, his options weren't looking very good.
"I don't see why there's all this fuss being made about me. If they want to kill me, I accept my fate. If I'm to die soon back home anyway it doesn't seem like it matters much. There are obviously those who would carry on without me." And somehow that ended with Suzaku in a Zero costume. His friend had seen the light, one way or another.
"If I only return home to die anyway, I don't see what the whole fuss is," he grumbled, mostly under his breath.
"Hey!" Suzaku's voice raised a little, warningly. "I didn't tell you that so that you could go spiraling off into some--" ME episode? There was something deeply worrying about this, and Suzaku wasn't entirely sure if it was because Lelouch had sounded as if he'd just given up, or because... Well, he sounded like Suzaku himself. "I shouldn't have told you at all. It was a mistake, and you're paying for that error yourself. It's not fair.
"But you have no idea what goes into that, Lelouch. You don't know what happens, because you haven't experienced it yet. You, specifically, aren't there!" He handed Lelouch his own money with a frown, so that he could put that away as well. "So don't belittle yourself. None of it would have been possible without you there. You've so much more worth than you even realize."
He sat with his head bowed. The hair obscured his face; maybe he was hiding his features on purpose, so Suzaku couldn't see. He felt very small in that moment, very lost. He hated the times when everything seemed so much bigger than him, and he was just a marionette on strings.
"I want to be in charge of my own fate," he said, keeping his head down. "I'm in control of nothing here and it... it..." His hands tightened into fists.
It drove him mad.
Of course something like that would be what was most deeply bothering to him. The lack of control. Even as a child, Prince Lelouch, he'd felt a need to be in charge of everything, constantly trying to order everyone around. Suzaku was very strongly reminded of the other week, the child one, how quickly they'd seeped from one side to the other - arguing, fighting, despising, and then back to friendship again. So damn quickly too. Kind of a mirror of their adult situation right now ( ... )
Lelouch said nothing; he put the top back on the Monopoly box and then drummed his fingers restlessly against his thighs. After a moment, a hand reached up to feel the healing cut on his cheek, courtesy of the demon. When he had demanded death and been denied it. Even then he hadn't been in control.
He closed his eyes and shook his head. "No one knows what they're submitting to at the point of death. But it's not Rolo's or anyone's responsibility to submit to it for me."
"But Rolo did make it his responsibility. Despite not knowing what comes after this, and being fully aware of how painful it was going to be. It's his responsibility to watch after you, and he is, in his own, extreme way."
He sat up a little, a frown creasing at his face. He may not have liked Rolo, and he certainly didn't trust Rolo as far as he could spit, but he knew just what the guy meant to Lelouch, false memories or not. And he knew that, first and foremost, Rolo's concerns contained Lelouch. He would do anything for the guy. "Lelouch, he wouldn't have done it unless he loved you. People do crazy things for those that they care about."
He was shaking again, in the hands. He clasped them together, and dropped them to his lap, trying to steady them.
"So you can't tell me he deserves to die this way. Not for a brother as horrible as I am."
"Nobody deserves to die this way, Lelouch. None of these people do, but they are anyway! It's not about who deserves what! If it was who deserved it who was on that list, twenty-five totally different people would be on it right now." And Suzaku might have been one of them, so far as he was concerned. "You can't think of it like 'deserving'. It's that you're so damn important to someone that he's willing to get his HEART ripped out for you."
Suzaku sighed, frustrated, scrubbing at his forehead. "Jesus, Lelouch, if he hadn't done it, I'd have FOUND some way to do it myself."
Yuffie knelt outside Lelouch's bedroom door, the air almost physically forced from her lungs out of sheer relief. Walking around was just so painful this week. Running was even worse. She didn't know how she managed it, but bolting across the hallway to this suite was the only way to guarantee that she'd be here and gone before C.C. got back ( ... )
That seemed to be the origin of said noise. Like metal on metal.
Was someone trying to break in?
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