Who: Dante (Open)
When: Tuesday, midday assuming
Where: Cafeteria
Summary: Talking to others about the conditions of this facility and past attempts to escape it, Dante sparks an idea
Rating: PG (Adult language, violence)
Warnings: If Princess Bado comes along, things might get too gay.
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess <.< )
"As I thought." If only he could see to pace, he would be walking at a steady stride about now. He leaned in closer instead.
"I don't know how hard we're being watched, so I called Haine here. We keep this on the low, okay? Only pass this through word of mouth, I don't want to risk this getting spoiled. And pass THAT along too."
"We stake out. Simple as that. Two teams. Team A does recon, scouting any place that could potentially be an exit. Now, I know that's hard 'cause we're all blind, but I'm sure there are fighters here, and..apparently ninjas..or something. Heightened senses and blah blah blah, you get it right? We should be fine. Team B causes some destruction. And we guard it. Because someone will need to come and fix it. And we'll give 'em hell if they try."
"And this will prove three things. One, this will prove where they're coming in. Two, this will prove if our overlords are a magical collective, or just ordinary people. And if all else, we have three. I know we're being watched, but I don't know how hard. If they know about THIS? Then nothing we do is safe."
"AND," he continued, "if this whole resetting thing is true, think of how we can use that. There's crap in here we can break into materials, and surely we can use it for something right? When we break the place up, I want people there right at the spot. There's no way we can miss it, there's just no way. And even if we do, well, we'll just take the establishment apart from the inside."
"I mean...there are so many ways this can go wrong, but it's worth a try. And it sure as hell beats doing nothing, right?"
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"I mean...to think everything changes in a blink..its..."
"...fuck. I really thought I was on to something." With a groan, he slammed backwards against the water dispenser and sank down. He had a gut feeling about this strategy, it was like baiting a trap. If only he could find that onea thing for the prey to take the bait...
"There has to be something. Any sign. We might have to wait until we are able to see again though."
"It's been suggested that we're all gassed when they come in. But, maybe they only gas our individual rooms. Has anyone noticed the clocks? They have 27 hours in a day. It makes me wonder if those extra three hours is for them to fuck around on us."
"Aww hell, would they go that far? Because that would be making things really fuckin' complicated. Yet a part of me is asking, what do they have to lose?"
At least through his deductions he hoped to prove he was no idiot.
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"Damn it..." Dante mumbled a couple things to himself, shaking his head. "Shoulda asked more questions. I feel so...stupid, you know?" He looked up. "But I'm sticking to my plan. I'm gonna see what I can't break and make useful. At least..it will give me something to do."
"Don't let it get to you. We've all been stuck here for a while, I think Bado's been here well over a fucking month, and we just now found out the shit that we know. We're out numbered, outsourced, and we're having to do everything with a motherfucking pair of blinders on. But there's no way in hell we're going to just give up. That might not be much to the Consortium, but to us...we know that it means we ain't layin' down to die." The albino folded his arms over his chest and tossed his hair as he finished, a determined look on his face that went unseen.
It wasn't necessarily his forte, pep-talks and all, but he felt like some things needed to be said.
He hunched over and propped himself to a stand. "I gotta re-strategize. Add if I got somethin', I'll let you know, Hainer."
"Greenhorn, if you can tell me anything or got any evidence, I want it. Seek me out later."
"I gotta take a shower. Later." Walked out he probably hit a guy in the shoulder. Oh well, he couldn't see, that guy would just have to deal with it. What really got him angry was the fact that more and more the situation seemed hopeless, and frankly, too unreal. There was no such thing as a cage without a door, and there was no way that a door couldn't be made. He just had to find that way.
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