[LOG] Busy Night

Jul 06, 2009 21:57

Who: Kouichi and Shikamaru
When: The slightest of backlogs, set very early on Sunday morning of Insubstantial Week, a few hours after Shikamaru's return.
Where: 12D
Summary: Shikamaru's had a busy night/morning, but visiting hours aren't over yet.
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Emo-fluff? Will update as needed.

Shikamaru didn't bother to stifle a yawn as he stretched out on his bed, shifting his bound leg carefully. Really, the broken leg was almost nostalgic at this point. It was the exact same one he'd appeared with in this place so many months ago, and it seemed his sudden trip home and back again required that he deal with it once more. The physics of it (or lack thereof) would give him something to ponder while he waited for it to heal.

This had been one of the strangest nights of his life, his return to Konoha aside. Well, technically it was very early morning, but he couldn't remember the last time he'd received more than one visitor in a day, let alone visitors in the state his had come. Kakashi had really thrown him. Some part of him was glad that the younger shinobi felt he could confide him him (if by "confide in", he meant "sit quietly with while they both gathered their bearings"), but  it was still quite the strange experience. Tsunade's condition, however, hadn't been a surprise once he'd heard about Folken's termination. Awkward as hell for Shikamaru, but not surprising. He'd let her cry without saying much of anything, because really, what was there to say?

It made him worry. Everyone knew what any type of relationship meant in this place. It meant there was always that chance. Always the possibility that a person could be effortlessly wisked away, returned to their own world with no memory of what occured in the facility (and that was assuming the best case scenario), leaving the other half of whatever pair it happened to be alone. Bado was proof of that, as was Tsunade. Even Shikamaru was, to a lesser extent. Unlike the others, he'd been returned.

nara shikamaru, aizawa kouichi

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