Who: Duo Maxwell (
adhdeath ) and Heero Yuy (
wing_00 )
When: Friday, July 03
Where: Duo's room
Summary: Well, they haven't seen each other in forever and Duo needs to prove that he's not lazy enough to get rid of his gorgeous body.
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Warnings: Duo's mouth, and probably eventual boylove. Of the Duo and Heero we-haven't-seen-each-other variety.
Waiting had never, ever been one of Duo's strong points, even when he'd been on the streets of L2 and stealing food had sometimes taken hours to set up, do, and get away with. It just wasn't any fun, being tense. Not that he was terribly tense right now. Just excited- it had been too long since he'd seen Heero for anything more than "how are we going to survive this week" and "hey look Deathscythe."
Which had been awsome, but was over now and Duo hadn't quite gotten over that disappointment yet. His Gundam was gone again. And the food was gone, too, he'd need to check Heero when he got here to make sure the other pilot had been eating something, even if they all could go without food for a long, long time if needed.
And honestly, this was nothing compared to L2. He almost snickered every time someone complained, but had enough tact to keep his mouth shut and stop himself from saying "Oh, stop whining. On L2 we didn't complain about hunger until the third week!"
Heero would get it, though, and that made a familiar bubble of warmth bloom in Duo's stomach as he grinned at another complaint-filled post on his laptop.