Who: Robin [
sparkle_gun] and Kazuya [
When: Thursday of race week
Where: Remains of the general store
Summary: Robin bit off a little more than she could chew when getting involved with Dante. Kazuya offers to bring her whiskey to cope.
Rating: PG-13, probably for language and mentions of previous naughty behavior.
Warnings: Nothing bad.
She would never admit that she'd gotten in more deeply than she'd intended. )
Smiling at his arrival, she tried not to look too eagerly at the box. It would make things fuzzy, she hoped; fuzzy enough to at least let her move around a little more freely.
"Hey," she said when he sat, as he pulled a bottle from the box and handed it to her. She looked at him gratefully before taking a long drink, trying not to sigh in contentment. Easy Robin. You act like you haven't had a beer in years. "You could say that," she said, trying to act airy about it. "The wall out there in the alley is really kind of hard." She didn't owe Dante anything, she figured. He hadn't even given her the scroll, and he had pretty much went to house on her neck. No secrets here, but maybe in a second or so, when she had more beer in here. "So how are you?"
"Been doing what I always do this day... I drink. I start at dawn, and don't stop until midnight, or I pass out, whichever comes first."
He started to sigh, but caught himself, putting the bottle to his lips and drinking heavily from it. After taking a drink, he glanced at the wall Robin had indicated and forced a wry grin.
"Who's the lucky fellow? 'Course, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to."
But a hot mess, if she had anything to say about it.
"Naw, don't worry, drinking buddies and all that," she said, tipping her bottle toward him in a sort of a salute. "His name's Dante, don't know if you've talked to him. He's tall. A very nice young fellow." She chuckled mostly to herself. A very nice young fellow, indeed.
He smirked a bit, winking sidelong at Robin. "You should keep still. Your still healing up after all."
She smiled at him when he mentioned Dante's good taste and sort of laughed. Nobody minded a bit of flattery. "Thanks," she said, taking another drink. "He could do a lot worse in here I think."
Maybe that was a bit too bold, but Robin privately thought it was quite the truth. As far as she knew there were only lesbians and underaged kids here.
"Yea," she said, grabbing her injured leg and forcing it into a different position with her hands. "I thought it was really superficial at first, just the skin, but I think there's maybe like, tendon damage or whatever. Hurts to walk, but I can handle it. I'm going stir crazy just sitting here though. This really helps, so thanks."
Kazuya simply nodded in agreement with Robin's comment. It was true, Robin was one of the most attractive women in the facility, but he had other issues he was working through in that department.
"If you want, I can carry you back to wherever you're staying, when you're ready. You're not exactly hard to carry after all... you've got the figure of a fighter to be honest." Yea, Kazuya was flirting. No, he wasn't very good. It had been nearly twenty years, so he was a little rusty. Though that was by far the highest compliment he could think of at the time.
"My family's dysfunctional too," she said, after a second, a delayed reaction as what he said really sank in. It sounded.. well, his world sounded a lot different from what she was used to. Then again, this entire place was way different from what she was used to.
"A fighter?" She nearly laughed. Robin wasn't a fighter, at least not in the physical sense-- she hated working out and even though she loved watching men get beat up, she didn't really like to fight herself. When she had played hockey she could hold her own and she was still reasonably assured she could fight well (and she had her gun, after all) but she wasn't a real fighter, at least nothing like him, probably.
"Maybe with a little work," she added in, cracking open her bottle. "And a few more guns, we could work something out. I used to play hockey, you know, scrapped back then, but now I'm sort of out of shape. I can beat down at shoe sales though, you have no idea."
He chuckled a bit at her own revelation about her family. "It seems that either the most succsessful buisnessmen or those of enoromous talent and beauty get the dysfunctional families. And don't sell yourself short. I bet you're exceptionally flexible. I bet you'd do well under the tutelage of Wang Jinrei."
He took a drink before he added as an afterthought. "Master Jinrei is the most famous martial arts teacher in my world. He's trained many of the world's strongest martial artists, including my father and myself, although for limited time... And I've seen how crazy those shoe sales can get, so I can imagine."
She nearly blushed at his comment about her being "flexible." Was it a dig on what she'd done just yesterday with Dante? She didn't know. He skipped over that quite smoothly though, so she just ignored it and tried to focus on what he was saying about martial arts. Honestly Robin had no desire to learn marital arts. That was for people who didn't have guns.
"I am pretty flexible, yea," she said, carrying straight on with a very straight face (she wasn't that type of girl, starting now), "but martial arts? I mean, it seems crazy. That's why I have my gun. I don't have the discipline for that. I mean, I'm sure I'd do awesome at it, cuz come on, it's me, but... the discipline? Yea, not too great at it. I mean, I'm sure you are, obviously."
He smirked a bit at Robin's reaction to the flexible comment. He had to admit, he may be rusty, but he still had some charm at least.
"You'd be surprised at how many martial arts in my world incorporate the use of guns and other weaponry... the two top assassins in my world are masters of several of those arts. Deadly, ruthless, efficient, silent... nobody who hears mention of either of the Williams' sisters can keep from flinching. They are the perfect fusion of beauty, skill, and deadliness. 'Course they're not really my type. I prefer brunettes."
Robin leaned back against the wall, gingerly sliding her legs out a little more, so she was leaning against the wall a little more. The second beer was going slowly, but some of it, at least a tinny bit, was starting to kick in, but not the good kind. She was starting to feel more relaxed, loose, at least.
"So you mix karate with guns. Sounds dangerous. I like it." She flashed him a quick smile, tipping back another swallow as she rested her head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling languidly. She felt very lonely, all of a sudden, even with him right next to her. This was all so foreign.
"Oh, and so there's more, there are badass girls in your world too. Nice. I like it." After hearing his last comment she blinked, once, twice. Was he just stating a fact or was he trying to flirt with her? Especially with that flexibility comment earlier... wow. Not everyone was after her, she told herself. That was stupid.
"I agree," she said, tipping her bottle toward him. "I did the whole blonde thing back when I was a kid-- not a good look for me, let me tell you." Robin Sparkles. She wished she could think about her childhood without shuddering sometimes. "Dark hair's better," she finished agreeably, stretching out a little more as she said it.
"So, how about your world? What's it like?"
And again as he spoke she circled back to the notion that he was flirting with her. Why? Normally she'd be flattered-- he wasn't bad looking, and he certainly was strong enough. But a slight twist of her hip reminded her that she should take things a bit more slowly from now on. She wanted to be able to walk normally again, at some point.
"Not as exciting as yours," Robin said, cracking open her third bottle and downing nearly half of it in one swallow. She waited until she her mouth felt less sour and then continued, "I'm from Canada, but I consider myself from New York now. There's some wars going on, but nothing global like the world wars. Mostly it's just a bunch of cut throat people trying to get these days. Kind of boring, now that I think about it, actually."
"I envy you..." he said, eyes still on the bottle. "War and excitment isn't all that it's cracked up to be... especially when you're fighting your own flesh and blood..."
Kazuya drained the rest of his bottle, trying to keep the visions of the multiple battles he'd had with his son from fully materializing in his mind. At the time, it was a rush, yes. However, Jin had his mother's eyes. Every time Jin glared at his father, Kazuya couldn't help but see Jun glaring at him from beyond the grave.
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