I was wonderin' where Deathbringer went to. [A very horned horned Eddie is scratching at his chin a little.] S'good to know he ain't causin' trouble. Well too much trouble.
Eddie, hey! [Oh well... that's new. Tilting his head to the other, he gives a wave, looks sheepish as he continues to pet the cougar. The panda is now.. trying to crawl up his leg.]
Nah, he's fine! I'm sorry for taking him out without asking-- you want me to bring him back?
[Eddie tries to pretend being demon-y isn't awkward for him. JUST ROLLIN' with that head tilt.] Sup, Jon.
Naw, you can walk him round, he was drivin' me up a wall earlier. Proves he needed some walkin'. [Deathbringer is probably trying to maw at Jonathon's hand, play nosing at the fingers. Gosh durn affectionate cougar.]
Oh, you know-- panda and Deathbringer trying to eat her. [It's a joke as he shakes his head, pulling his hand away to flick at the cougar's nose as a tease. The panda yawns, falls off of Jonathon and settles for rolling on the ground.]
Well, I'm happy to take him out whenever you need it-- it's pretty fun trying to outrun a cougar. That, and I never thought I'd see one and a panda playing together.
[he gave a small snort at that. Watching as Deathbringer play nips at Jonathon's fingers. The full grown cougar wiggling to flop on him.]
I appreciate it, Jon- Deathbringer needs to get out, an Sasha an I forget about that on occasion. [Eddie has to laugh a little at that.] Now you have, your life is complete, man.
[He's trying to keep his balance but well. COUGAR WINS. Jon's falling to the ground with a yell as the 'berry catches it. Laughing as he looks to the screen, he grins.]
It definitely is, Eddie. Guessing your wish has something to do with the horns?
Nah, he's fine! I'm sorry for taking him out without asking-- you want me to bring him back?
Naw, you can walk him round, he was drivin' me up a wall earlier. Proves he needed some walkin'. [Deathbringer is probably trying to maw at Jonathon's hand, play nosing at the fingers. Gosh durn affectionate cougar.]
Well, I'm happy to take him out whenever you need it-- it's pretty fun trying to outrun a cougar. That, and I never thought I'd see one and a panda playing together.
I appreciate it, Jon- Deathbringer needs to get out, an Sasha an I forget about that on occasion. [Eddie has to laugh a little at that.] Now you have, your life is complete, man.
It definitely is, Eddie. Guessing your wish has something to do with the horns?
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