Lucas Lee • Take 42 • Video

Feb 02, 2012 22:43

[Lucas is grinning, happier than he's been in a long time. Not as happy as he's ever been...but certainly better than he's been since Nepeta was terminated.

And he's smoking this cigarette like it's the first one he's had in years.]

Holy shit, you guys.

This place is like, a billion times huger than I thought it was. Are you seeing this shit?

[ ( Read more... )

lucas lee, c: equius zahhak, c: vriska serket, c: jade harley, c: eridan ampora, c: matthew patel, c: jason todd

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[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 04:45:57 UTC
I already checked in yesterday, I'm not doin' it again.

Where the hell are you, even?


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 05:29:06 UTC
Nothing wrong with over-checks.


--it's a theater. Like a legit theater!


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 05:32:29 UTC
Like... A movie theater? Seriously?


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 05:40:46 UTC

There's a projector and stuff...a DVD player too. And this big ass fucking stage.

Have you ever been to one?


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 05:43:20 UTC
Well. Yeah. We have a pretty amazing history of movies and everythin', so of course I've been to one.


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 06:31:43 UTC
I found a shitload of movies. Even my movies. Like...the ones that I star in.

We could totally do nights. With popcorn and shit.


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 06:34:13 UTC
...That could be pretty awesome.

Are they all human ones?


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 06:42:52 UTC
The ones I've found so far. But I mean...they had all my movies. And as much as I'd like to think maybe the fuckers here were just fans--

--it's seems more...likely. That they had all this shit to learn about us.

So I'd be they do have troll stuff. Too.

...what kind of troll movies did you like?


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 06:54:02 UTC
Well. You know. Just... some. Like war ones I guess. And romance ones too. Sometimes.


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 07:05:49 UTC
Dude, I was totally in of the best romantic movies ever. Girls flipped their shit when they saw it.

The other stuff I was in was all...actiony. But you'd like them, I bet.

[You can bring Karkat and cry like pussies during "Let's Hope There's A Heaven."]


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 07:08:29 UTC
...Did any of them have seagrifts? Or wizards?


Re: [audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 07:49:42 UTC

I don't know what a seagrift is. But probably not.

There are a million movies with wizards, though. Not my movies, though. I wanted to be in Harry Potter, but I wasn't British enough.

And too good looking.


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 07:51:47 UTC
I meant your movies.

And seagrifts are awesome. They go sailin' and they pretty much own the fuckin' sea and they kill all the land dwellers and raid all the stupid little hives they've got next to the ocean and steal their treasure and all that stuff. It's great.


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 3 2012, 18:42:28 UTC
...oh. Well I mean, not YET, but...eventually, I probably would've. And it would've been awesome.

So like pirate ships? Or like...vikings?


[audio] caligulasaqua February 3 2012, 18:47:13 UTC
You're only sayin' that 'cause you think everythin' you do is awesome.

I guess if we've got to use human words they're like your lame pirates. Only better.


[audio] bbcarrotcooler February 4 2012, 02:58:08 UTC
Everything I do is awesome. Come on, dude. Keep up.

...yeah, Depp kinda...cornered the market on the whole pirate thing. But I could probably still make a better movie.

You'd like that one. The Pirates one.


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