Welcome to Day 13 of Hope’s End! This is where guest writers can have their characters post to the network. These posts will be handled the same way as any other post to the network, but we'll keep them grouped together for everyone's sanity.
All guest characters arrived in Hope’s End with a communicator that resembles a Blackberry. These have text
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it comes to my attention that it is alwmost reset
which apparently is when every1 will b going back to where they came from
at least in my case but not u guys since ur actual members here or w/evs
i jsut wanted to tell ug uys that i had a lot of fun hangin w/ u during these two weeks
and it was fun getting 2 kno all of u
i no it mite b a while until u see me again
but i shuld hopefully b seeing u all soon back home rly soon
cant w8
p.s. dave ur a dick for never hangin w/ me
love roxy <33
b/c she is one awesome ass bitch negl
gurl it was awesome talkin to u and trollin that horse dude w/ev his name was
dorkquius yeah that was it
anyways keep doiun what ur doin gurl and keep being sexy
cause someones got to represent for the bamf ass bitches all up in this place and that job is for u since i will not b there to help ;)
do u liek science b/c we all sorts of totes need to work on shit together someday
john said u liked doomed day machines or somehin
i can totes get behind dat if its in the name of science & bloowin shit up that is not my or my friends asses
so ya
maybe ill c u again
mb here but hopefully back in the session
evn if u r ded back there that doesnt mean u cant evr meet up with evryone else :)
but that also just means u need to treasure all the time u have here in this faiclity
chin up girlie girl
tldr u r one sexy cerulean laydee and i will miss u even tho it was only for a lil time
p.s. vris ask john for the bottle i left w/ him and smash it somewhere i thought u mite find it cool
( ... )
And just as 8adass as her. :::;)
It's 8een fun.
I'll 8ump into you again one of these days.
This place has a ha8it of crap like that.
[She smiles.]
You're a really great guy and a kick ass leader. I mean seriously-- you all sorts of fucked everything up with your windy shit in some sort of huge scale revolution thing! That's pretty ballsy if you ask me.
Yet on that note, you're also the funniest, dorkiest person i've ever met, even managing to surpass dorky mc jake dorkinson. That's mad props and a pretty big deal, man, it's pretty hard to out dork that goober. Don't loose that part of you no matter how tough things get, kay? A laugh and a smile can do wonders when you're feeling down.
I wanted to leave you all a little something I had with me, but I don't really have anything on hand that you'd find any bit interesting. Though I left a bottle by your bed that i'd like you to hand off to Vriska if that's cool with you.
So I guess this is goodbye!
I'll be seeing you soon-- look for me on the other side of the wall.
You're a super cutie patootie and it was great getting to hang with you! It'll be fun to get to really hang out with you in the session, and you'll be happy to know I am the awesome chick who will be facilitating your entry!
I'll see you on the other side of the wall sooner than you know, and maybe we can work on a project with each other sometime.
I wanted to leave you my gun since it's pretty goddamn kickass, but I heard that you can't bring weapons back from here. So! I left for you my favorite clone of my kitty Frigglish-- he's in a cute little jar, though you'll have to decaptchalogue him from the wine bottle. Just crack it somewhere, he'll pop right out.
Can't wait to see you again, Jade! Mwah mwah~ [She blows her a kiss.]
Hi, Rose. It was really nice meeting you here... I mean, really. It was awesome to get to talk to you about things like wizards and magic, and bond in ways that I really never got a chance to with you as a mother.
You were always very distant, but I guess you were just really busy with your fame and success. Still, I wish you had been there more when I grew up. I know it isn't the same you, but....
I guess what I'm trying to say is, never take who you have around you for granted! You have a wonderful group of friends, and I think you'll like mine, too. Maybe when we get back to the session we can get a chance to really feel like a family, or something. Since you weren't there for me, and I wasn't there for you.
I know that we're clones, I overheard from others here. So I know these are technically my last few minutes to talk to you. I wanted to leave you something from back home-- it's kind of convenient, really, since I captchalogued them for no particular reason. I left them where you were ( ... )
rose: first six books of complacency of the learned and her mutie shirt
jade: her favorite cat clone preserve
vriska: her cat clone preserve with eight eyes and spider legs))
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