Week One Hundred and Fifty-Five has been completed.
(Sollux) and (Karkat) find out that their doubles are screwing and immediately proceed to do the same.
(Mohinder) is a fatty fat-face.
(Patchouli) makes for a pretty sour-faced welcoming committee. The scars don’t help either.
Enjoying the familiar view, (Tsunade). We thought it appropriate considering the time of year. Happy anniversary... almost~
It’s kinda cute when the rats have no idea what’s going on. (Bucky) is just adorable when he’s clueless.
(John) is being boring. Stop that, (John).
No one wants to talk to you, (Peter).
And (Shikamaru) finally picks the greeter shtick back up again. Took you long enough, lazyass.
And again, (Castiel) is fairly useless. Do we have to poke you with a stick or something?
(Roxas), you are so coherent. Except not. Jeez, it’s like a change in location just saps what little IQ is left in this place.
Everyone can just let (Kano) sit in the sun and bake the the dumb shit he is.
(Superman) looks pretty cheerful, huh? Just watch he doesn’t nick you with those laser eyes of his.
Why don’t you just take care of those copies yourself, (Lavi)? Some exorcist you are.
(Yusuke) is back, ready with his finger-bang for alll the ladies~
Wow, this is the first time we’ve ever seen someone ask to have their brains fucked with. Good show, (Todd Ingram).
Oh, we spoke too soon. The things (Sylar) will do for (Mohinder).
That’s right, (Temari), gather your most beloved people into one place so you can all sit in a nice awkward silence together for two weeks.
(Matthew)... is trying to do something intelligent! Thought we heard Hell freezing over.
(Squirrel Girl), you are a freak. NO SQUIRRELS FOR YOU.
(Wallace) must be in heaven right now. So much ass just milling around, ripe for the taking.
(Charles). Read moar.
And then we killed (Ritsuka)'s little family ... and no one cared.
(Stein) returns, bringing what we’re sure is a wagon-load of brain-break with him.
(Dean), that hat looks terrible on you.
… All Westerns are about shooting and horses, (Irisviel).
(Jade) walked three smiles just to smack into a wall and ask stupid questions. Bravo. P.S. The answer is "no".
(Lois) is here! SOMEONE KIDNAP HER.
(Kenzi) is already well on her way to getting wasted and no one is surprised.
This is what? The third time (Maka’s) tipped off the deep end? It’s getting kinda silly at this point.
Getting relationship advice from (Sylar)'s duplicate about (Sylar) is cheating, don't you think, (Mohinder)?
While (Soubi) is away (Ritsuka) finally tries to get a girlfriend by taking advantage of (Jade) while she's vulnerable.
We can’t say how many times (Lavi) and (Kanda) fucked this week. Oh wait, we can since we got it all recorded. Getting off on that later.
Well would you look at that. (Jade) finally admitted she was useless. Get away from our wall.
(Karkat) hates littering. Eco friendly, shouting bastard.
(Lithuania) and (Hei) start a kitchen cooking contest to see how many losers that can’t feed themselves they can feed in a day.
Can we unscrew (Nameless)’s brain already and fix it?
But (Heather), shouldn’t you already be accustomed to dealing with weirdos?
You know, just for fun, let’s just make (Vriska) important and see how horrible that can get, not that anyone would care.
Aw, look at poor (Xion) trying to keep her sanity throughout all of this. I say this experiment is going well.
(Alma) doesn’t seem to give a fuck if (Sasha) gets in trouble or not. What a bad child. Someone spank him with an electrical cord. He can take it.
No, (Kate). We just thought it would be fun to watch you guys blow each other up. Let those frustrations flow.
We wouldn’t eat (Link)’s baking if we were you. We hear he puts all sorts of insects and golems into the mix.
(Midnighter) and (Apollo) meet up with old dead friends again and again and again.
We always find it funny when people beg Val to send them home.
If it were possible, we’d neuter (Jack) in an instant. Stop destroying our things before we take away something important.
So (Applejack) and (Rainbow Dash), what’s it like seeing all of yours friends? :)
So (Jason) needs hair dye and it doesn’t seem like an extremely bad idea to anyone else?
We’re anticipating a lot of damage from a certain mutt so if someone doesn’t make (Yukina) cry we’ll just have to take away (Hiei) and do it ourselves.
We’re starting to wonder if (Equius)’s sweat is some kind of mystical lure to ponies..... It’s a bit freaky.
(Asura) does bring up a good point if not absolutely creepily in the process. What if we replace the current subjects with the better clones.
It’s rather clear to us that she just wants into (Barbara)’s pants. We’re ready for that hot lez action if you want to keep breaking your communicators to get closer to her.
(Marisa) doesn’t look like she’s going to do that food rationing thing. It’s just more incentive for (Alice) to want to get her into cuffs. Again, lez action and hot make outs, yes please.
First (Sasha) and (Lili) and now (Milla) is trying to hit on (Sollux). Gross.
(Lancer), that was hot. We think that fat little piggy (Rin) should be spanked more often. (Archer), stop cockblocking.
We’re all surprised (O. Rin) isn’t handling the situation himself. Lazy piece of crap would let everyone else handle it just to spend a few private moments with his brother.
(Damian) makes it a personal mission to steal every one’s first kisses. Just look at him considering to take (Yukina)’s cherry next.
And so the sad clown comes to a pitiful end. Strangely, it is almost fitting (Joker) went out the way he did.
Holy crap, (6) isn’t being sad and mopey for once. What is this?
It’s almost natural to expect that when there is stink and monsters, (Heather) and (Mindy) will be there making out.
If (Dick) would stop being such a failure and getting sick we wouldn’t have to keep dragging him out into coma land.
It’s a little gross to think that (Maka) wants to sex up the current double. Who wants to see two flat chested women make out?
Oh baby (Galatea), show us more, you naughty girl.
(Tyki)’s not looking creepily unstable at all. Not that we’re afraid or anything seeing as he’s in there and we’re up here. Maybe we’ll just chuck all his family into the incinerator while they are still alive.
(Sollux)'s guardian comes back and his charge immediately greets him with ropes and chains. We thought his family here was dysfunctional.
That’s a good girl, (Fujino). Such a good, good deadly girl.
Oh god, (Gabriel) is bored and drinking. Someone entertain him before he breaks out the lacy panties again.
We’re confused on who wouldn’t want to learn magic from (Yujinn). If he gets boring, just bend him over the nearest object.
We heard that. Don’t even think about making us work more or else.
Terminated: (Nepeta), (Steve), (Layton), (Lucy), (Hei), (Joker), (Remilia), (Madoka), (Neku), (Rika), (Clare)
[OOC: Hey guys, just a reminder, anything in parentheses is a room number, not a name. We're just not willing to torture you (or ourselves) by putting in the room numbers instead of the names. They won't understand who the observation is about unless they know the room number. Room numbers are on collars, so not hard to figure out, but keep this in mind for new arrivals or faces they haven't met yet.]