053 ☯ Alma [VIDEO]

Dec 21, 2011 23:03

[Alma's staring blearily at the camera, looking quite different from the normally cheerful picture he usually paints. He's sitting bent over the desk in his and Kanda's shared room, arms folded beneath his head and dark rings beneath his eyes. It's just halfway through the week and he's not holding up too well.]

Does anybody know... um... I keep- [yaaaaaawn] -falling asleep...

[He keeps attempting to talk, but little more than mumbles escape as he blinks slowly, starting to nod off... until electricity crackles audibly through his collar, jarring the boy out of his doze with an obviously painful shock.

Alma squints at the table in front of him in confusion for a few moments before his face reddens, expression twisting in frustration as he snatches up the nearest thing he can reach (which just happens to be the 'berry).]

This is stupid! I hate this! Damn- [BZZT! And that would be the sound of the the 'berry hitting the wall and the feed cutting.]

c: kanda yu, alma karma, c: yukina

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