Emilia Galmar [video]

Dec 13, 2011 17:12

[Emilia's sitting on her bed in her room. Her off-white wings have come through.]

Last week, something that looked like me took my place. Please don't think badly of me for the way it acted. Whatever it did or said, that isn't what I think of any of you. Of course, if anyone wishes to clarify matters I'll be happy to speak to you.

[She stands up and turns around, showing her back. A flap of material has been cut out of her shirt, exposing her upper back. The flap hangs underneath.]

These wings are most inconvenient, but I can help with your clothes. I have a pair of dressmakers scissors.  I thought if I cut a panel like this it ought to be fixable next week. After all, we don't want to waste clothes. I'll be happy to do the same for  any other clothes brought to me.

c: rider, c: howard link, c: misaka 10032, emilia galmar, c: accelerator, c: alma karma, c: alfred f jones (america)

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