No. xxxii | Xion | [Video]

Dec 09, 2011 19:21

[The feed comes on's a torso.
It's...Sora's Torso!?]

This is...[But it's the voice of a girl. Xion's voice. With a second glance you'd notice the clothes look a little less like fabric and more Armor? The camera slowly pans out to show more and more of the girl's warped body. Her usual black coat has been replaced with the odd metallic Sora-like clothing,  that shapes her into an almost inhuman form. Her arms are long and thin, covered in silver sleeves leading up to large, golden hands that look like they belong to a doll - fingerless like mittens with black gauntlet-esque cuffs.
Her legs have the familiar baggy pants you'd find on Sora, but matching more with her current crimson and silver color scheme. They lead down into thin black legs that transition into flat, sharp greaves.

Her face is the only thing remaining of her prior appearance, the rest completely warped into something utterly disconcerting and ominous. A completely twisted smile is on her face. Oh, oh no. Someone is not in control.]

This is my true form. I'm almost complete. [She cups her chin with her "hand", looking devious, thoughtful. It's painfully obvious that this isn't actually her, what with the intern unleashing the latent memories that cause her to become this monster. But nonetheless, there's an attempt to keep her somewhat in-character. To fool those more...naive...]

Does anyone know where Roxas is? You see, I need him for something.
Heh...Hehehehe...[That would be an interesting way to get rid of the annoying rat for good, wouldn't it? Oh, it wouldn't even need to be cleared by anyone in a higher seat of power. Not if he were just...absorbed into another one.
It's a flawless plan. Thank you, Val.]

Accelerator? Misaka? Axel? Riku? Alex? Soul? Jade? Neku?
Could you help me?
Y'see...If I can't find him soon...[A fake frown colors her face as she summons her keyblade into her "hand."]
I'm not...sure what I'll be able to do with myself...

c: roxas, xion, c: misaka 10032, c: joshua kiryu

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