[Look who has learned to lock his posts! This one is directed to Tsunade.]
Hello. This is John Watson. We've only met once, briefly. I know you're the head medic here and I haven't been entirely good about joining in the medical association here. I'd like to say that it was a bit of insecurity on my part, being decidedly un-magical and simply good with a needle and thread. At times.
Right then, to the chase. I know there are a few therapists here. I'm sure they're inundated. I remember a post from Eddie asking if there were any additional therapists besides the ones we have, so I imagine that they might not be open to accepting new patients. But I need to talk to someone. I died a few months ago and I've been -- [He hesitates...] I've been destructive towards people I care about. Violent. More violent than usual. I can't trust myself and I know that I need help before I destroy what I have left.
[Oh how bloody melodramatic, Dr. John!]
Thanks again.