Week 145 Observations

Nov 05, 2011 23:57

Week One Hundred and Forty-Five has been completed.


(Riku) is the keeper of the lady’s panties for Facility. Has anyone told his husband? Or maybe that’s how they roll.

(Timothy) is back from the dead just in time to become brain dead.

Anyone think (Bucky) is going to clue in to the fact that he’s being used by his so called son, (Accelerator)? It’s getting so damn obvious.

One little rumor and (Stein) goes right over the edge. We can see the screw is still there, but it’s clearly loose.

When in doubt, (Temari) and (Shikamaru) choose to get naked. Yeah, because that’s going to help when your brains are being destroyed.

Did (Rin) actually figure out that she’s a selfish bitch? Way to go, Val!

(Sebastian) should really quit trying to live off of his looks and get some education. Looks don’t last forever, princess.

(Aikawa) promptly flips his shit. Did anyone give him the wrong drugs?

Sorry, (Hershel), you’re completely powerless and helpless. There’s nothing you can do to help anyone. Get used to it.

Do we sound like we’re joking, (Sylar)?

Wow, (Todd). So very profound. Are we even going to be able to tell when he’s had his lobotomy?

(Harry) proposes and (Tsunade) accepts. So much for being the cranky, dried up spinster that hates marriage.

(Emilia) actually shows some forethought, but it’s not like she does anything that requires a lot of thinking, anyway. If she had her choice, she’d just be flat on her back with (Link), anyway.

(Sylar) finally achieves what so many have failed at. Ding dong, the medic’s dead!

(Maka) spills her guts all over the network and encourages others to do the same. Ever think that normal people do that kind of crap in person? Just has more meaning that way.

(Justin) and (Maka) finally share mutual "I love you"s, despite (Maka) already being in at least one relationship already. Unfortunately for (Justin), (Stein) managed to figure out the boy's not-so-secret mental illness. Congratulations, (Maka), you and (Spirit) are both attracted to sociopaths. Like father, like daughter, in all the ways that counts.

(Crowley) sets up shop, taking advantage of the rapidly dropping IQs.

If you're going to sell your soul to (Crowley), (Sam), maybe you should have asked for bullets to go with that gun?

(Alfred) thinks we can be stopped with just a big explosion. The rats blow crap up every week, we don’t even notice at this point.

Nope, not lying, (Ryoji). You’ll be a drooling vegetable soon and even more worthless to your so-called friends than usual.

How’s that feel, (Alex)? Finding out that our work is redundant.

Aww, (Nana)’s scared. Someone should advice her which of the adult men aren’t safe to provide ‘protection’. (Stein) and (Joker) come to mind.

(Jack) takes (Maka)’s advice, more emotional crap being smeared all over the network. He’s more fun when he’s stabbing people.

(Steve) should probably think about replacing his pillow. (Emilia) has been doing kinky, depraved things to it. And right in front of his lover (Bucky)! For shame.


So strong, (Milla). How are those nightmares going?

(Tyki) has a jar of brain damaging chemicals. Think some of those exorcists should be nervous?

(Karkat) snapped far too easily. The loud, angry ones always do.

We’re pretty sure the most pleasure (Superman)’s had has been in getting to know (Joker). People should ask about what’s going on behind those closed doors.

(Vriska) and (John), sitting in a tree. With a bucket. Afterwards, he’ll woe her more with a suicidal inducing speech for the masses. Just look at all those bodies.

(Harry) has (Lucy) trained amazingly well. Maybe we should study him so we can get the female population under control.

(Kano), how could you possibly know anything about what sane people worry about?

(Patchouli) wasn’t known for forethought before the brain damage started, so we’re not surprised she thought removing all of her blood was a good idea.

They probably taste like chemicals, (Asura).

(Fujino) is even more boring like this, do something about her brains. Either make her catatonic or put her back the way she was.

So (Mindy), what’s the point in killing yourself when we’re just going to bring you back until we’re bored with you? Just because you can’t remember what we do when you’re with us doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Our brains are being destroyed, let’s have a party! What the fuck, (Remilia).

(Equius) and (Nepeta) act out a seriously messed up version of an old tragedy. We give it two thumbs down.

Really, (Heather)? Really? Can we nominate her for termination immediately?

(Artemis) looks a bit twitchy. It’s not paranoia when they really are after you.

(Kimblee) builds a little hole to hide in. And that’s before the drugs really kick in. This one’s genuinely bonkers.

Anyone going to do anything about (Sylar)’s pet? He’s kind of roaming the halls off his leash.

The best advice we’ve ever heard anyone give. Everyone, run from (Midnighter)! Those hands of his have minds of their own!

More last will and testament nonsense from (Accelerator).


(Gabriel) should be up for sainthood for dealing with Castiel at the best of times.

Still think you’re that valuable, (Komui)? You’re all replaceable, never forget it. Stop bitching. If we'd left your heart in it would have given out from the drug abuse and stress.

(Yujinn) propositions the facility. We like him like this, he’s a lot more fun.

(Gene) appears to be pissed that (Sam) sold his soul. It’s not like (Gene) was doing anything good with it.

(Davesprite) wasn’t the brightest to begin with, but damn. Like a moth and a lightbulb.

(Marie) is going to require a lot of supervision. (Stein) should be taking advantage of this in three, two, one . . .

Is (John) going to do anything but sob and flop around this week? It’s not like (Jade) is suffering.

(Dean) makes great furniture. He’s got a future as a throw rug.

(Rose) has finally accepted that she’s a fucked up failure. Bravo. Took you long enough to figure out the obvious.

(Jet), your fight is worthless. Just be quiet so we can terminate you again and finish (Maka) off.

After seeing (Alessa), we’re starting to wonder if this experiment was the best idea the bosses have had.

(Ishtar) joins the ranks of those that are finally accepting the completely obvious.

(Midnighter) prowls the halls, taking down young men and leaving them not quite the same.

(Hiei) is back just in time to watch his sister go brain dead. Good timing.

(Jigen) hits on (Lucy), adding himself to the ranks of the pedophiles.

How does it feel to have lost your sex appeal, (Elle B?)

(Remilia) and (John) had a deep and intense bonding experience. Might want to keep an eye on this one, (Vriska).

It seems that removing what little self-control (Jack Noir) has causes him to adopt even more animalistic traits, as well as more children. Did you know that cats, dogs, and birds are all known to eat their own young under the right circumstances? (Davesprite) does.

Random sex with strangers and acting as the neighbourhood candy delivery service isn't what we'd call a 'change'. But what did anyone expect from (Gabriel)? That brain can't get much more messed up.


(Sollux) completely botches his attempt at killing (Karkat), leaving the mess in (John)’s hands. Way to be a friend.

(John) tries to play martyr and gets shot down.

We’ve got another cutter. (Alex) decides to attack the source of his problems.



Sorry, (Gene), we’ll worry about your soul after we deal with the computer’s hostile takeover.

(Sylar) has to work on the training of his pet.

That’s a good look for you, (Lucas). That’ll teach you to talk to that psychotic computer bitch.

We can’t even deal with (Sirius) and his baby talking nonsense. We’re out for the day. Fuck


We would have walked away too, (Gene). Guess we all feel the same way about (Sam).

(Dave) has fallen so far from the cool factor that his sprite is even cooler than him. No wonder the cripple built a nest. You poser.

(Wanda) finally shows herself after her failed attempt to save someone. Everyone come mock the disgrace.

(Kanda) couldn’t wait until (Allen) was defenseless to beat him. Haven’t you hurt and stabbed him enough?

(Lithuania) is such a good puppy right now. We left you a treat. Enjoy the meatballs while they last.

(Grell) sings his siren song and (Sebastian) comes obediently. He has such a way with demons~

Look what you did, (Equius). You’re a horrible caretaker.


(Lavi) makes a really cute nurse, just ask (Bakura).

Fixing the mess you made won't make (Mohinder) like you, (Sylar).

Talking to the traitor are we, (Superman)? Stuff like will get you killed, and your little kiddies too.

(Vriska)’s in so much internal pain, but (Rose)’s wicked ways will make it all better~


(Lucy) has never been the brightest of the bunch but this has all been said before. (Bakura) can’t seem to take advantage of this even with how easy it is.

(Vision) enjoys tormenting his boys by scaring them with a cryptic message and then not bothering to respond for a few hours.

(Jadesprite) wants brave training lessons from heroes. Looks like she’s finally taking up that position of the capes’ sidekick canine bitch.

As if it is so hard to trick him, (Lavi). Pretend to be his friend. Keep him happy. Don‘t ever let him know he’s really alone. It keeps you safe, doesn’t it?

Yep, we’ve seen him, (Billy). Burning and screaming for you. Can’t you hear it? It’s beautiful.

Terminated: (Teddy)

Looks like you're all missing something, assholes. Time for a game of hide and seek. Tick tock.

[OOC: Hey guys, just a reminder, anything in parentheses is a room number, not a name. We're just not willing to torture you (or ourselves) by putting in the room numbers instead of the names. They won't understand who the observation is about unless they know the room number. Room numbers are on collars, so not hard to figure out, but keep this in mind for new arrivals or faces they haven't met yet.]

the doctor

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