[Stein's sitting on the edge of his bed, his back a little stiffer than normal, but seeming pretty normal other than that. He takes a few deep breaths and tries to relax his back into a more typical curve.]
They're lying.
[He sounds so resolute, so matter-of-fact when he says it, it's almost tempting to believe him
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[Or so Stein is currently in the process of forcing himself to believe.]
Why would Maka have lied to me?
[He is though. So horribly caml.]
I think you forget, we're not so different from each other.
The only difference is, right now, I'm not calm, and you are. Answer the question.
[Flick. Anger. That horribly difficult to control temper set off once again.]
Do not assume we are similar in any way
[His evil twin had said it, during the F3 trip to Venice.
"All this religious devotion is simply because you're scared. You need justification for your actions... You're no better than he is. Sadistic, hateful, manipulative, trying to make everything all right by acting under the 'will of god'. It's pathetic."]
I am nothing like you.
But you're right, it's very unfair of me to compare us. We're nothing alike; I've taught myself how to care about people.
Maka Albarn has nothing to do with this.
You're a predator Justin, preying on those who don't suspect any ulterior motives from you, because they'll let you. Just like me.
But until you admit it, you can't fix yourself. Though I guess it doesn't matter considering someone else is stepping up to fix your brain for you now. Your antisocial personality will soon be a thing of the past. Is that why you're so calm? You're tired of realizing you're sick and not knowing what to do about it?
[He can't say there's nothing wrong with him, because there is (just... not what Stein says is wrong with him. Nothing like that).
He's calm, he's willing to let this happen because he is so tired of hurting.]
I'm nothing like you. I am calm simply because I no longer care what happens to me.
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