[Stein's sitting on the edge of his bed, his back a little stiffer than normal, but seeming pretty normal other than that. He takes a few deep breaths and tries to relax his back into a more typical curve.]
They're lying.
[He sounds so resolute, so matter-of-fact when he says it, it's almost tempting to believe him
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Slowly, sheepishly almost, he raises his head as she says his name.]
...I didn't mean to make you worry.
You didn't worry me. I was just... concerned. That's all.
[If he notices the forced smile, he makes no indication of it. He just wants to be selfish and get comforted for now.]
Though I didn't mean to make you concerned either. I just panicked.
[ She's pretty unnerved, so who knows what it is like for Stein. She hesitates in the doorway for a second, unsure of what to do. ]
May I come in?
I'm the rude one, coming over unannounced like this.
I feel bad always making you take care of me like this, though. It's not exactly fair.
[ There's a pause, and then her voice is much softer. ]
I don't think I could stop myself if I wanted to anyway.
Thank you. For everything. You could probably use the mass panic to find yourself a good husband before everything goes to shit in a few days. But here you are, taking care of me instead...
Do I really seem like the kind of girl to run off and get married to some guy I met only a few days before? Besides...
[ She leans over, gently resting her head on his shoulder. She didn't care if she was being too bold or too forward. This was probably going to be the last time she would see him while she was still lucid and she wanted to make it count. ]
I wouldn't rather be anywhere else besides here by your side.
I'm just trying to protect you. I always have been. I know you're strong, but I've always known I could find a way to hurt you, so I always wanted to keep you safe from me. ...Fucked that up spectacularly, didn't I?
It means a lot... that you've tried to protect me all this time. I know I've messed up as well, but even if I hadn't I would still forgive you. I couldn't stay angry at my partner, let alone you.
Thanks. You taking care of me always means a lot too. I should show it more often, I know.
[ Perhaps she would, but most likely not. It was hard to stay mad at the man you loved. She nuzzles deeper into that shoulder as her wavelength reaches out, gently brushing against his. ]
I know, but I still feel like I should have been saying something all along.
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