[Stein's sitting on the edge of his bed, his back a little stiffer than normal, but seeming pretty normal other than that. He takes a few deep breaths and tries to relax his back into a more typical curve.]
They're lying.
[He sounds so resolute, so matter-of-fact when he says it, it's almost tempting to believe him
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We've stopped experiments before. Even if we don't stop it, they have to be lying. Lobotomies aren't breaking people, they're giving up on trying. They want to break us, not turn us into mindless drones.
They're sick and twisted, but they're logical. They are lying.
Yes, it does seem odd that they went from getting us attacked by plants to doing something like this. We'd hardly be as much fun to torture like that.
Just in case though, how did you stop experiments before this?
People fought back. [She isn't being deliberately cryptic without reason, it's just probably not the brightest idea to announce how over the network.]
Sometimes, ignoring experiments seemed to anger them too, but I don't think that's an option this time.
But you're of course right. Why now, and why all of us. They wouldn't do that.
[But there is a part of him that, just in case, wants to apologize to her in some way at least.] I hope one day you'll trust me enough to tell me how exactly you managed to fight back.
This isn't about me trusting you. [Thought she sidesteps that issues.] This is about sharing information safely.
I see your point. I sometimes forget that there's no such thing as privacy here. And something as important as that ending up on the next observations post is probably only going to spell disaster.
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