Oct 16, 2011 15:21
[By now, most of you have probably figured out that wandering around the rec room and biodome are probably bad ideas while gold collared, Facility. You're not Yachiru Kusajishi, who doesn't even seem to realize that she's gold-collared, because when the hell does she ever use her powers anyway? And she's always had a complete lack of fear and love of danger.
She also wants crayons.
When the video clicks on, it becomes obvious that she's heading into the rec room, eating a banana quite happily and not really paying much attention to the camera, she's too busy checking out the scenery as she ventures a little deeper.] Wow this is cool! Look at all the plants! It's like a jungle! Ne, ne, does anybody wanna explore with me? I haven't found the crayons yet.
[The 'berry shows a view of a vine creeping up behind her, to lash out at her, but just as it springs, she ducks under a hanging branch and avoids it somehow; she probably has no idea it's there.] It'll be fun! [Yeah, someone should come find her before she finds the venus fly traps.]
c: midnighter,
c: accelerator,
yachiru kusajishi