[The camera turns on quite deliberately, to an overly calm looking teenager with mismatched eyes, who begins speaking in a very refined Irish accent....Doctor, I do believe when I agreed to this the promise was made that I would not be subjected to the mesmer or otherwise altered. I would assume since I have no memory of how I got to be in this
Read more... )
No, not really. Has anyone given you the text link yet?
Yes, it was quite informative. Thank you for the offer though, I appreciate it.
Alright. Then my name's Alessa--I've been here for nine months now, so if you have any questions, I can probably answer them. What's your name?
[Her speech and mannerisms are strangely adult and business-like for a seven-year-old.]
Thank you, Alessa, my name is Artemis. Do you know if anyone has managed to escape from this place in the time since you've been here?
She throws out the facts in a very clinical manner, not at all like how a child should react to being in a strange place with people dying left and right.]
Since we're in space and don't know too much about how this place works, it's hard to figure out anything about escape.
Would you happen to know which individuals succeeded in the hacking?
I'm in 30C.
[A short time later there is a knock at 30C.]
Her room is similarly just a little bit off. There're a few well-loved animals on her pink duvet next to fluffy pillows, and the place is littered with cute things. It doesn't seem to fit the dark child herself, so it's more likely that someone had gone out of their way to spoil her and surround her with nice things, but there's a skull of something distinctly not human on top of her drawers, and there's what looks like a giant red glass eye staring up from the corner of the room.]Sorry, but I couldn't risk saying stuff on the network. Val--she's the computer in charge--can see all the things there ( ... )
Are you...mm...Computers don't have sexes, do you mean its operator?
Well, I'm actually not sure if Val has an operator. She's an AI, I think, and everyone calls her a she.
[Alessa cocks her head.]
Val's not really like any computer I've seen, but where I'm from, computers haven't really gotten that advanced yet. My brother's been helping me learn a bit about hacking and stuff, but he's better with them.
This is an interesting development. [He glances up.] You have family here?
[She nods.] Adopted family. They took me in when I got here. If you want to know more about hacking and stuff, my brother and Papa are the people to go to.
[He smirks.] I'm afraid that is an area I need like instruction in, but I'm happy to hear other's thoughts.
...Oh, and Sollux is a troll, in case you don't have those where you come from, so don't be surprised by the gray skin and horns and stuff. [Her brother gets self-conscious easily, so she's doing her best to circumvent that.]
[He blinks. Artemis has met trolls. And they were not at all like the sort she was talking about. No, they were big, angry, killing machines, and the mention of them actually prompted a frown, fingers twitching.] We have trolls. Though, I suspect they may be different.
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