[ The feed starts off with Patchouli Knowledge fiddling around with her faciliberry. She obviously doesn’t know that she’s broadcasting, and as far as she’s aware she’s just typing out a text response to someone. Her face has been freshly marred with horrific scarring that hasn’t quite healed yet, hence her use of text and audio throughout the week. She’s not floating around like most people, managing to stay relatively still using her powers of flight.]
[Meanwhile, a tiny crashing noise comes from the background. Behind Patchouli, one Remilia Scarlet comes into the feed, seemingly having little trouble with the zero-g, minus a bit of wobbling. She seems to be reaching for something on a dresser, but due to the way she’s managed to stay on the ground, she can’t float up and get it.]
Patchy. Patchy come over here and help me! I can’t reach.
[ Patchouli merely glances over her shoulder before turning back to her faciliberry ]
Give me a few seconds. I’m trying to type out this response.
Patchy. I can’t reach.
[It becomes painfully obvious that Remilia has had a little bit too much to drink this evening.]
[ Patchouli gives an exasperated sigh, still typing away at the ‘berry. ]
I am perfectly aware of this, Remi. You can wait a few moments before having your next drink. You will not die.
Oh fine. But... [Remilia plops down on the floor, like a small child.]It’s too quiet in here.
And what do you want me to do to remedy the situation? You know I don’t have my harp.
[Remilia says nothing, but does start humming
[ Patchouli turns and looks at Remilia. ] How much have you had to drink?
A bit. Sheesh. Can’t you appreciate Beethoven, Patchy?
I am willing to admit he was a marvelous composer. I prefer others though.
[Remilia continues humming, stubbornly.]
[ And Patchouli finally gives a weary sigh, walking over to Remilia. ]
Fine, fine. You only get a few sips though, after that no more. I don’t want you drinking through all of my alcohol.
[Remilia looks horrified.] But you have a whole gold mine of it!
A resource that will soon be tapped out at the rate you’re going.
But you don’t-- [Remilia looks like she’s about to throw a tantrum when she spies the faciliberry in Patchouli’s hand.] Patchy?
Is that...is that thing on?
[ Patchouli glances at it and sees the red recording light with a scowl. With a quick click of a button, she terminates the feed. ]
((OOC: Both of them might respond
Patchouli Knowledge
Remilia Scarlet))