[The berry turns on from a shelf at about eye level with Maka, showing the inside of a clothing store. Currently, only Maka is visible in the video, going through stacks of men’s clothing.
And then in walks Justin Law from a back room, wearing a rather
brightly colored shirt, black pants, cowboy boots, and a
How does that one fit? [She makes her way over, a few folded items in hand, and inspects his attire.
Then, subtitles start.]
Look at the way she’s sizing him up. Terrible. Absolutely terrible! He’s nothing but a piece of meat to her!
[Justin is obviously not quite sure about the outfit.]
The shirt is a bit bright, but I do like the hat.
The hat is a good choice. The shirt makes you look like a cheap male prostitute. I bet she’ll love it.
Really? I kind of like the shirt too.
I doubt I would be able to detach Terezi from my torso if I wore it.
[Justin does not really want to deal with that much troll slobber.]
Terezi likes bright things? [Maka holds another
shirt out to him.]
[Justin is obviously not quite sure if Maka is joking or not, but he takes the shirt.]
No, she is... overly fond of red.
[He heads back to the other room to change his clothes, but also grabs another shirt, vest, and pants. The embroidered cowboy shirts are not the look he wants.]
[She watches him go, rolling her eyes when he grabs a different shirt, but saying nothing. Boys.]
Look at her. LOOK AT HER LEERING EYES. Disgusting. She’s undressing the poor boy and he doesn’t even have a clue.
[A few minutes later, Justin comes back out. He’s not wearing the music note shirt, but the
other outfit he picked doesn’t look too bad on him.]
That one looks great! I think you should take that one. [She smiles and turns to place the rest of the clothing back.]
Oh sure, compliment him to put him at ease. BET YOU LEARNED THAT FROM YOUR FATHER. People need to stay away from the Albarn family. I think it’s clear that the apple doesn’t rot far from the tree.