Aug 15, 2011 23:59
Whoa. This is weird.
[A vaguely familiar face appears on screen, offering the network a bright smile. The exorcist uniform isn't overly helpful in identifying the teen, but that hairstyle is pretty telling. The scar across his nose is even more so.
Alma's all grown up.]
Hey guys, where is everybody? I think it's been a while...
[There's a bit of an edge to his smile, but he does a fairly good job of covering it. This is still the facility, after all. Who knows how long it's been or what experiment might be running?]
Yu, speak up! I see your stuff so I know you're still here~
[ooc: Say hi to exorcist Alma! He's from an AU future (via Wish Week) where everything is... actually kinda okay. Everyone's alive, most traumatic memories are still under lock and key, ect. He's living the life he always thought he would~]
alma karma