You rats are all quiet this week. [Justin is not quiet. He's loud and on the verge of laughing. He's in a rather dark building somewhere.] Are you that scared of the punishments?
[The newly opened scars on her stomach have started bleeding again, and she doesn't bother responding with text or words. He can't be reached like this, but like hell is she just going to let him do this. Maka begins trying to trace his soul so that she can find him.]
[It's hard to find. Every once in a while she thinks she feels something but then it slips away, and she has no idea why. Eventually she just begins heading in one direction, hoping that if she gets closer it'll get stronger. It isn't for a good thirty minutes that she begins to get a stronger trace on his wavelength and she picks up the pace in that direction.]
[Get on the train, go to the frozen wasteland, find a boat, get on the boat and let it sink, go underwater and find out you can still breathe, and then the trail should be stronger because he's close, he's past the village of fish and through the halls of an abandoned theater. Behind the theater, everything is soaked in blood, corpses swaying gently in the currents. Justin Law is there, and waiting.]
[She feels him closer when she gets to the frozen wasteland, but it's so hard to figure out where it's coming from and how the hell to get there. reluctantly Maka boarded one of the ships, feeling more than unsure as she did. When all of the water began rushing in she knew she'd made a mistake coming here, but Justin's wavelength still feels strong in this direction. She closes her eyes and waits to die, and then opens them carefully a few minutes later when she realizes she can in fact breath under water.
When she begins looking moving again, she walks determinedly in the direction she can feel his wavelength.]
Maka doesn't understand. This, this right now? It's the good part, the strength and power that insanity brings. Justin knows he has it under control, knows that if he stays quiet it will fade away, knows that he will not let it get bad, will not let everything twist out of control and make him want the madness gone. He is in control. He can stop any time. This right now is the feeling that he sold his soul to the Kishin to hold on to, the incredible pure clear high that he has always wanted, never really stopped wanting even after he knew just how risky it was. This is the good part and there is not even the slightest bit of him that does not want this.
(This is the worst part, because he does not yet realise he has lost all control)]
[She approaches carefully, eyes focused ahead on his wavelength long before his body comes into view. The insanity radiates from him, but unlike the other times, there's a more simple solution to helping him stop it. The problem is the solution requires his cooperation, something she doubts he'll be so willing to give.
Maka grits her teeth, pulling a bandage more tightly against her stomach before she comes into view. Her wounds aren't dangerous, just painful. Her punishment has been to reopen the slashes that Alex Mercer had once given her, but when he had given them to her, he hadn't wanted her to die. Not quickly anyway, and for that reason the cuts are shallow. Painful, but shallow.
Her grip on the man made scythe in her hand tightens as she gets closer.]
[He turns, watches her approach. That weapon is hideous, blank and fake steel in a meister's hands, he wants to wreck it just out of principle. He's smirking slightly, eyes a bit unfocused, stance too casual.]
I missed this. [He watches her, ignores her warnings.] You have no idea what it feels like, do you? [The smile widens.] It feels so damn good. [The curse is somewhat awkward, but he wants to use it, wants to break that self-imposed rule against profanity.]
Then why are you doing it?
[It feels incredible, a bone-deep invincible high that makes him want to take on gods because he knows he will win.
Worry, fear, even pain have been erased and it feels so good.]
When she begins looking moving again, she walks determinedly in the direction she can feel his wavelength.]
Maka doesn't understand. This, this right now? It's the good part, the strength and power that insanity brings. Justin knows he has it under control, knows that if he stays quiet it will fade away, knows that he will not let it get bad, will not let everything twist out of control and make him want the madness gone. He is in control. He can stop any time. This right now is the feeling that he sold his soul to the Kishin to hold on to, the incredible pure clear high that he has always wanted, never really stopped wanting even after he knew just how risky it was. This is the good part and there is not even the slightest bit of him that does not want this.
(This is the worst part, because he does not yet realise he has lost all control)]
Maka grits her teeth, pulling a bandage more tightly against her stomach before she comes into view. Her wounds aren't dangerous, just painful. Her punishment has been to reopen the slashes that Alex Mercer had once given her, but when he had given them to her, he hadn't wanted her to die. Not quickly anyway, and for that reason the cuts are shallow. Painful, but shallow.
Her grip on the man made scythe in her hand tightens as she gets closer.]
Maka Albarn.
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