[Komui looks far more refreshed than normal: he waited until 12.01 and have a good night's sleep]
Lenalee! Do you still have some coffee left? I've got a lovely idea for a morning activity. Why don't we have breakfast in the biodome while Henry has her daily roll in the grass? She's eager to go.
[He glances around his room, looking for something]
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Wh-why did you do that? [A pause] Are you okay?!
[She felt an urge to go and see if he was...she paused, waiting his response]
Lenalee, I wouldn't just... it must be a test.
Don't leave your room until we know what's happening. Don't let anyone in.
Why? Are you alright? [She narrowed her eyes, as if trying to study him more. Then her body went rigid, frozen.]
...Why...[She was more talking to herself, and crossed her arms over her chest. She lowered her gaze. Shut her eyes...basically, experiment set in.] I-I'll stay here. Y-you don't leave your room either, okay?!
I won't leave either, but... [The things he wants to do. It's making him feel sick]
I'm sorry, Lenalee, I'm going to have to stop talking to you now.
Ah-Wait, why...
Should I just come see you then? [The little voice in the back of her mind said it was a bad idea...] You don't seem okay...[Weeell, neither do you, the little voice reminded.]
I might hurt you too.
[She presses a hand to her mouth] Oh no...Why...why do I want to hurt you...?
I love you. Stay away in your room.
...Why do I want to hurt...[Her voice breaks]...So many of them?
Is this an experiment of this place? [She sounds distraught]
Why--why would they...?...
...I'll stay. [She sounds distant] I-I don't want to...risk hurting anyone. Especially the way I want to.
It's a test. I feel the same way. It'll be over next Sunday.
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