[The dream starts off hazy. A thick billowing fog drifted over a pond full of lily-pads. After a few moments, there's a figure of
woman in a billowing dress. The point of view zooms out dramatically to show Kanda standing in his exorcist coat, on the opposite side of the now-larger pond. He yells out a name in earnest, but his speech is broken and warbled, making identifying it completely impossible.
He starts running on top of the water straight at the woman, continuing to yell the name. She stays still, looking at him with a slightly blurried curious expression. When he reaches the middle of the pond, she picks up her skirt and begins to run away from him. At the same time, he begins to sink down in the water, splashing now as he continues to run through it.] "Hey! - - - - !"
[The water clings to him, but he powers through it, and is suddenly right behind her, grabbing on to the woman's arm. She stops and turns around, smacking him full across the face. He staggers back as she runs again, but this time when he starts to follow the ground opens up beneath him, swallowing him whole.
The dream-time shifts, it feels like he's falling forever when a white-gloved hand suddenly grabs him by the collar, stopping his rapid decent into nothing. It's Tyki, and he's smiling in a dangerous way. Kanda struggles, but the Noah simply pulls him close in a crushing hold. Tyki suddenly pushes him away and Kanda cries out in pain, clutching his chest and falling to his knees. The Noah stood there, holding Kanda's bloody beating heart, a deadly smirk on his face.
Suddenly, a large staff cracks over Tyki's head, the Noah suddenly flickering out of existance as the woman comes into view, catching his heart. There's a smile on her face as she kneels down infront of Kanda, pressing his heart back into his chest with a small, almost familiar sort of giggle.] "You'll need this..."
[He smiles softly, the ends of his hair beginning to turn white as the dream ends in a fog.]