[ Someone is up bright and early this Saturday morning. Tamaki smiles warmly to the camera, looking much more like his regular, shining self. Again, the communicator is placed on the music stand on the piano. ]
Hello everyone! To my dear friends here, I'm sorry if I had worried you with my little disappearing act. Everything is fine and I'm very glad to be back. I've taken the liberty of straightening up the rec room again. If you have time, I'd love to see you all again.
[ Tamaki takes his eyes off the feed for just a moment as he positions his hands and begins
to play. The moment the music beings, his eyes return with just a bit more happiness and a smile a bit more sure. ]
And to all of our new and wonderful guests, I want to say welcome. I know you've probably heard from others how scary this place is, and really, it is. But you should know that while you may be far from home and bad things are happening, there are good people here. Strong and brave people who will do what it takes to protect those they care for. There's integrity and honor and there can be happiness. Don't lose hope. You're not alone.
If you wish for someone to talk to, some company, or simply a friend, please stop by the rec room. I'd love to meet all of you.