i dont see wwhy evveryones apologizin for last wweek it really wwasnt that big a deal
normally that shits awwful but this time wwas pretty much just normal i think so its dumb to evven care so fuckin much
not that id really expect anythin else from all a you but really you think you could at least TRY and stop carpin on about evvery goddamn stupid thing that happens wwhen it wwasnt evven BAD
savve that for the bad wweeks seriously
youre really all just wwastin your time
and my time for makin me listen to evvery single one a you doin it
so just stop already
and sol that means im NOT apologizin so dont evven ask
i didnt do a single thing wwrong at ALL so you can just deal wwith it
[10% locked to Feferi]
some shit happened last wweek and
i wwas just wwonderin if wwe could talk or somethin
i knoww you like glubbin about feelins so im reely just humorin you here but i guess it might be kind a nice
let me know alright
[10% locked to Karkat]
kar i need some advvice real bad
i dont knoww wwhat im supposed to do and i dont wwanna mess anythin up and i knoww youre pissed at me and youvve got reason to or wwhat the fuck evver you wwere sayin but im not exaggeratin this time thins really COULD get awwful if you dont help me out here
[10% locked to Nepeta]
hey nep
wwe should probably talk or
you knoww
about last wweek
just come ovver ok