-been a pretty weird week.[The feed begins mid sentence. Maka can be seen walking idly down one of the streets of Gotham with none other than Justin Law at her side.]
Ah, has it? [Either nothing noticeable has happened to him, or he’s being deliberately obtuse. Or a combination of the two.]
Mmm. Have you been doing okay? You look good. [She smiles brightly, her eyes flickering to his chest for a moment to indicate his soul.]
I’ve been fine. [He was fairly sure the body swap had helped somewhat.]
What exact-[She stops mid-sentence, her body swiveling to the right and her eyes searching in the darkness of an alley. Perception tells her what her eyes can’t see, and subtly her eyes shift back to Justin. That’s enough to get him to focus, to let his own abilities confirm that there is a potential threat. For some reason, he doesn’t trigger his partial transformation, just tenses slightly and waits to see what happens. Moments later, the sounds of chuckling can be heard as five masked clowns emerge from the alleyway, obviously intent on the duo. Now, Justin isn’t very fond of clowns, but these are significantly less disturbing than any he’s faced recently. He glances over at them with a mild expression of polite interest.] Ah, do you need something?
[There is no verbal response, but the laughter grows louder and more maniacal as they each pull out an assortment of weapons and begin to approach them. Maka falls easily into a practiced fighting stance even as she studies the group and tries to calculate how much of a challenge they’ll be. If she had Soul-Maka stops that train of thought. She doesn’t have Soul, and she’ll have to make due.]
[He’s going to have to risk it, despite the possibility that it just won’t work, that they won’t even be able to sync, let alone fight together.]
Let’s try something. [The Death Scythe doesn’t wait for an answer, just grabs her hand and tries to focus his wavelength to better match hers. It only takes her a second to realize what he’s doing and she stares at him in surprise, on the verge of questioning him, before closing her eyes and trying to do the same. Even if the chance is highly unlikely, they can still try. She prods at her own wavelength to match Justin’s. The chance of this working is better now than any other time. Spending a week in another person's body did a lot to let you match wavelengths. A deep breath, blue light, and Maka Albarn is now holding a
You’re-[But there isn’t time for her to admire his form before one of the clowns takes a swing at her, and she lunges at him with Justin, the feed timing out just as she does.]