Jan 05, 2011 01:34
I guess a lot of people have been other thems. Um, the thems that aren’t them I mean and- [Deuce pauses.] I'm just kind of confused. [He pauses again, gazing at the screen a bit blankly, before looking away from the camera to something behind him. Another second later he's shifting it so that the camera can see what he sees. It’s Shadow Deuce, of course, sitting limply on the bed with his back up against the wall. He looks like he has no real energy at all, almost like a doll. His glowing eyes are focused upon his counterpart.]
So, um, I was wondering what I should do about him? Because I don't really kn-
It’s… it’s really bad that you’re asking.
[The shadow finally speaks up, leaning up away from the wall.] I know you can’t do anything by yourself but you can’t, um. You can't keep bothering everyone like that!
Huh? [Deuce shakes his head and dismisses it.] No, I’m not bothering them! And I’m glad that you’re finally talking because I was worried that you weren’t able to and then I wouldn’t really know what you were trying to say which would make things kind of ha-
S-stop it. Stop it. Stop it! Nobody wants to hear me talk! Nobody ever wants to hear me talk so- so be quiet. Be quiet! Stop bothering everyone. I- I mean nobody wants you around because you’re useless! You’re useless and you can’t do anything right and everyone would just be better off if you weren’t around anyway because then they wouldn’t have you bothering them all the time!
[Now the shadow is sitting off the side of the bed, looking tense and twisting part of the bedsheets in his carapaced hands. Deuce himself looks confused and hurt, and he keeps shifting his glance from his shadow to his faciliberry. It looks like he’s about to cut the feed, but then suddenly the shadow leaps up in alarm.]
Wait, wait don’t hang up! No! [The shadow makes a grab for the faciliberry, and the two of them tumble to the floor. The feed goes dead.]
clubs deuce,
c: jack noir