[Lucas Lee comes to and jumps up as quick as his injured body will allow, hands in the air.] I'm ok!!
[And then immediately falls to a knee, cradling one arm, but looking around for the audience that isn't there. He'd just attempted a suicidal rail grind that should have ended in a much more serious fall--but for some reason, he was...mostly
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...L-Lucas?? They got you too? Oh god...
...Patel? How do you have my nu--[And he stops himself. Let's not open that can of worms just yet.] Lemme just say that I have like, negative amounts of time for your bullshit right now.
Dude, I'm pretty sure I got really wasted, blacked out and did something stupid, or maybe awesome--probably awesome. But I think I'm in police custody, which is just ridiculous. [He scoffs.]
This isn't a police station, and you're not hung over. Gideon said we aren't even on Earth anymore. It's...I don't know where we are, but it's bad. It's really, really bad.
--wait, what?
[He fumbles with the blackberry for a minute. He doesn't really know how to use it, still, but give him a break: he didn't even have a cell phone back on Earth, and he's only been here for a few hours just yet.]
H-here...someone had the decency to send this to me. I know you don't like reading, but please look it over...
W-where are you? What room are you in? Do you see any numbers on the wall by the door?
Dude. What in the actual fuck. Wait, you can't be serious. Right? Because--
Uh. 22?
Wait does that mean you're here too?
[And thusly, Matthew wanders the corridors of the facility in an attempt to find Lucas's suite, making his way upstairs and down the opposite hallway until he finds the proper place. He knocks quietly on the door and waits for Lucas to answer, because there is always time to be polite to Lucas Lee.]
Oh man, matching necklaces? So lame. [Lucas shakes his head, still cradling his arm.] What the hell is going on, dude?
Fuck, they really are all the same...
[His eyes fall back on Lucas, then, and he notices that he's scraped up pretty badly.] H-hey, you're, uh...you're hurt...d-do you need help...?? Is your arm okay? O-oh, man...
You...should have seen the trick I tried. I was so close to sticking it, but this rail grind was so killer. Well...right up til the end.
My wrist might be broken or sprained, I don't know. The cuts aren't a big deal.
Patel--what is happening? How long have you been here?
[Matthew gestures to Lucas's bed, trying to get him to go and sit down. Whether Lucas does or not is all up to Lucas, though.]
I'm not sure if there are doctors here who can help you, b-but...just, for now, t-try not to move it or touch it too much. It...it's probably just sprained...
[He would offer to set it for him but he's not sure if Lucas would even let him touch him.]
W-we...from what I understand, we've been kidnapped against our will, and there's nothing we can do about it. I've...only been here for a few hours, myself, but it seems like Gideon's been here for a while...and Ingram, and...R-Ramona...
Kidnapped?? But why??
I mean, okay, I get why they'd want to kidnap me. I'm sure like 75% of the world's population is losing their shit right now and having like prayer circles and leaving stuffed animals at my doorstep, but why would they kidnap you? You don't have any money to pay ransom or anything.
...Ramona's here? What?
S-so that they can experiment on us, I guess. S-stop moving that wrist! Doesn't that hurt...?
And I mean...s-something tells me that they don't want money from us.
...She...I mean, she was here. U-ugh...
[He brings a hand to his forehead, grimacing.]
[His eyes flick to his wrists.] Oh. No--I mean, kind of. I don't feel stuff like this much, anymore.
Ramona got out then? And didn't help anyone else get out, either? Ha. I guess I'm not surprised. [Even though he did expel a sigh of relief, which Matthew hopefully didn't notice.]
[Ignoring Lucas being dumb for just a moment to focus on the most important thing.]
...N-no, she...she's...dead. Sh-she's dead, Lucas.
Patel, that isn't fucking funny, so shut up.
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