You know somethin'? These gold collars and all? Fuckin' stylish as shit. Just wish there a better way to get this shit then death, you know what I'm saying.
So...the clone shit still goin' on, or that shit over and done with?
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Sup trollsefs
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:33 < i
:33 < i am sorry for wanting to kill someone that looks like you
:33 < how do you f33l?
dOn'T eVeN tHiNk AbOuT iT
i DiDn'T rEaLlY tAlK tO tHe FuCkEr
BuT hE pRoBaBlY hUrT a FuCkLoAd Of PeOpLe
He HuRt YoU cHiCa
YoU oKaY
:33 < but
:33 < i would rather not talk about any of it at all ever
:33 < i just want to make sure everyone is safe
I uNdErStAnD cHiCa
ThAtS cOoL
i'M sO sOrRy ChIcA
i'M sO fUcKiNg SoRrY
none of it
it was their fault and my fault for trusting them
i made a stupid mistake
if you need anything...
you should maybe call kanaya or tavros
eVeRyOnE mAkEs MiStAkEs
We AlL fUcKeD uP
wE jUsT gOtTa KeEp MoViNg AnD gEt StRoNgEr
FuCkInG cAlLeD tAvRoS
aNd ShIt I'lL tAlK wItH kAnAyA iF sHe CaLlS mE
bUt I dOn'T wAnT tO bE nO bOtHeR yOu KnOw
and i think that maybe moving on and getting stronger means growing up
and stopping all this childish nonsense
equius would probably say that right? childish nonsense...
was he there when...?
no dont answer. i dont want you to have to think about it again
i am so sorry gamzee
I jUsT dOn'T wAnT tO hAvE tO gIvE hEr MoRe WoRk ShE dOn'T nEeD
WhAt YoU mEaN bY tHaT
i MeAn EqUiUs GoNnA sAy A lOt Of ShIt
BuT i DoN't kNoW hE aLwAyS mEaN iT
hE wAs ThErE cHiCa
YoU gOtTa Be ReAl sWeEt To HiM wHeN hE gEt BaCk ChIcA
i just mean all this pretending and making stupid cat puns and wearing that stupid dumb kid outfit is all chilidish nonsense!
of course i will be sweet to him. hes my moirail and i love him and someone should have been looking after him.
i'M jUsT bEiNg A fRiEnD aNd ShIt
AnD tHaT cHiCa DeSeRvEs AlL tHe FuCkInG cOnSiDeRaTiOn
ShE's ReAlLy FuCkInG aMaZiNg ThE wAy ShE hElPS fOlkErS
I dOn'T kNoW cHiCa
SeEmS tO mE yOu GiVe ThAt Up YoU lEtTiNg ThOsE fUCkErS wIn
UnLeSs YoU rEaLlY aIn'T gOt No LoVe FoR iT nO mOrE
bUt I hOpE iT wAsN't ThOsE bItChEs ThAt ToOk It FrOm YoU
i KnOw yOu Do ChIcA
wHaT hApPeNeD wAsN't YoUr FaUlT
everyone keeps saying that but if we had stayed together we would have had a chance. it happens every time! why didnt aradia protect him? she knew. she could have stopped it.
We'Re StIlL hErE
aNd ThEiR fUcKiNg AsSeS aRe GoNe
I kNoW iT hUrTs ChIcA
bUt ItS a TriCk YoU kNoW
a FuCkInG iLlUsIoN
wE wOuLd HaVe
AnD tHaTs ShIt We GoTtA wOrK oN
bUT wE gOtTa LeArN tO fInD a WaY tO sTaY sEpArAtE tOo
So We CaN sTiLl Do OuR oWn ThInGs
I dOn'T kNoW cHiCa
I dOn'T fUcKiNg GeT aRaDiA aNy MoRe
AnD sHe'S sTArTeD kInD oF kIlLiNg My ChIlL
i think separate is better for right now for me. but i will maybe stop by and see you
and wave
and then leave
and not wave to aradia
i am very mad at her
but i love you gamzee! a lot
I aIn'T gOnNa FoRcE yOu
My AsS pReTtY gOgDaMn AnGrY tOo
BuT nOt At ArAdIa
I'm So SoRrY yOu LoSt SoMeThInG cHiCa
I cAn'T kNoW hOw FuCkInG hArD iT wAs FoR yOu
BuT i CaN't FoRgEt YoU sAiD iT
bUt I wOn'T aSk YoU wHaT yOu LoSt
BuT yOu A bRaVe FuCkInG cHiCa
I tHiNk YoU'lL fIgUrE oUt WhAt ThE rIgHt sHiT iS fOr YoU sOoN
aNd I'lL hElP bEsT i CaN
fUcKiNg LoVe YoU tOo ChIcA
lOvE yOu AlL a LoT
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