30th Record [Forward dated to about quarter to midnight]

Sep 15, 2010 22:09

[The feed is dark when it starts, but still light enough that one can see the ceiling shot of someone's room. There are noises like the bed is...well, being put to good use. Then a hand flies out over the view, landing on the 'berry ( Read more... )

c: kanda yu, c: howard link, c: axel, c: allen walker, c: komui lee, lavi, c: alma karma

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kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 02:43:29 UTC
... What the hell are you doing?


historyrabbit September 16 2010, 02:47:03 UTC
[Kanda might actually pick up on the different tone in his voice. Closer to when Lavi first joined the order way back when they were sixteen. Surprise registers on his face at first, mostly at being "found out" and he'll seem overly cheerful.]

Nothin a'all~ Why ya askin, Yu~?


kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 02:57:01 UTC
[Glare, he knows you're trying to piss him off so he doesn't keep asking questions!]

Who he hell were you talking to? Rabbit.


historyrabbit September 16 2010, 03:02:37 UTC
[But he doesn't want to answer your questions~ He has to dig and think at what "Lavi" would say!

Giving a thoughtful hum.] Jus' tha lil' voice in my head tha' says ta annoy ya~ Tho' 'm no' sure how it knew ye'd be botherin me so soon~


kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 03:12:48 UTC
Don't pull this crap with me. I'm not deaf.

[He's smarter than he lets on most of the time, mister. Suspicious Kanda is suspicious.]

You haven't sounded like this in years...


historyrabbit September 16 2010, 03:17:23 UTC
[There's just the briefest flash of a frown and Lavi glances off to the side as if consulting with a mental voice.

The grin comes back, but it's a more normal wattage than it was moments before.] Wha' ken I say, tha' place bothered me, yeah? 'm tryin ta snap back.


[Private] kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 03:19:54 UTC
[He can't let other's see he's actually, you know, concerned and stuff.]

What happened?


[Private] historyrabbit September 16 2010, 03:41:32 UTC
[Aww. Worried about him, Kanda? Have a rather lengthy pause.]

'm no'...ready ta talk 'bout it yet, yeah? [Just like Kanda wasn't ready to talk about Itachi.] Give me a bit.


[Private] kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 03:56:41 UTC
[Course he is, you're his buddy even if he won't say it out loud. Kanda gives an equally pregnant pause.]

Yeah.. [He nods, a small flash of pain through his face.] I...

When you're ready, I'll talk too.. [He swallows awkwardly, he wouldn't go into more detail then that.]


[Private] historyrabbit September 16 2010, 04:05:33 UTC
[Makes him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. :D

Though, honestly, he hadn't meant to bring up memories of Itachi. So he just nods.]

'd rather do it in person then, yeah? When h-- 'm ready.


[Private] kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 04:22:14 UTC
[It's on his mind constantly, it doesn't take much to trigger it. He notices that slip up, but won't push it. Not yet anyway.]

Yeah. Let me know if you need something.


[Private] historyrabbit September 16 2010, 04:28:07 UTC
[>: Aww. It'll get easier, maybe.

And here comes that almost painfully fake smile.] A hug? [Teasing~]


[Private] kanda_exorcist September 16 2010, 04:50:16 UTC
[He actually laughs at that. Let's blame the stress.]

I'll punch you if you try.

... You don't have to fake with me you know. [Oh the irony.]


[Private] historyrabbit September 16 2010, 05:11:09 UTC
Nah, with tha' one ye'd have ta be tha one ta start it, yeah?

[Ahahaha. Still, it gets the fake-edge to disappear and it drops into a slightly more real one as he lowers his head, eyes hidden from view.] Sorry, 's jus' a terrible habit, yeah?

[He's at the verge of telling Kanda that it's not Lavi in charge, since he's kinda already guessed. And really, it's getting at what's going to be changing about Lavi when he's fixed. Stuff will stop being fake.]


[Private] kanda_exorcist September 17 2010, 04:03:05 UTC
[Small smirk.] Yeah.

Just.. [He looks serious for a moment.] Just tell me I can trust you. That's all I need to know right now.

[He didn't mean it in an offensive way, he just needed to know whatever Lavi was going through it hadn't altered him too much.]


[Private] historyrabbit September 17 2010, 04:09:29 UTC
[Good luck trying to touch him at the moment, though. He's not having it.

It's real slight, the start from that comment. He gives the 'berry a side glance.]

In battle, ya mean? [A bit of a pause as he uses his memory to put himself in a fight in his current state. Softly.] Yeah. 'll be there.


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