103rd Sandstorm [Video]

Sep 09, 2010 11:36

[Amidst the dim setting, the trapped redhead can be seen chained to a wall, absent of both his coat and gourd. His captor purposely shines a bright light into his eyes, and then cackles when Gaara grimaces, turning his face to the side in avoidance. There are bruises on his pale cheeks, courtesy of the mutant with super speed, whom seems to get a kick - literally - out of battering the defiant ninja.]


[The mutant leans in closely toward Gaara and whispers something that causes his expression to suddenly grow wary. But he stays quiet, averting his gaze even as a silver gleam is caught reflecting off a thin surface; the tip of the blade is pressed to his throat for a long moment, before changing intentions.]


[Slowly, the knife slides down, cutting his mesh shirt open…]

[His facial features are rigid, bearing nothing more than a stoic façade, diligently hiding discomfort under the surface. He makes no sound, no movement, no visible reaction, as the torn folds of his shirt fall apart, exposing his bare chest.

He isn’t going to give them the satisfaction of seeing him break.

…But as soon as the deadly tip of the blade grazes against his nipple, Gaara swiftly jerks his body to the side, trying to get away.]

You’re not Sai… Don’t touch me.

[A brusque laugh is his only response; the mutant doesn’t relent in his perverse actions, and as Gaara continues to struggle, his side slams hard against the adjacent wall, shutting off the device.]

c: hiei, gaara, c: princess ishtar

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