Abyss Guest Post: Day 3

Aug 30, 2010 23:55

Welcome to Day 3 of Abyss! This is where guest writers can have their characters post to the network. These posts will be handled the same way as any other post to the network, but we'll keep them grouped together for everyone's sanity.

All guest characters arrived in Abyss with a communicator that resembles a Blackberry. These have text ( Read more... )

open event, guest writer post

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[accidental video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 04:52:12 UTC
[The faciliberry is on, giving a view of his foot.]

What's taking so long, Maka? And you nag me about being late to training. [He takes a step out of his apartment, shuffling his feet impatiently at the door. The one time he--Wait. This is so not the outside of his apartment. He's immediately on guard. Did a witch set a trap on them?]

Oi, Maka--[He turns around to find that his door (and presumably Maka) is gone.]

Well, shit.


Re: [accidental video] togana_keiri August 31 2010, 05:34:39 UTC
Soul? [Er...another one?]

Which one are you...? Have we already talked?


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 05:42:28 UTC
[WTF. Maka's voice coming out of a random communicator by him. Looks like she got caught in the witch's trap too. Although he would never want her to be in this situation, he's still relieved to hear her voice.

There's static and shuffling noises from Soul picking up the communicator. His face is probably too close to the faciliberry. Have a nice view of his teeth.]

Maka! Where are you? What do you mean 'which one'? [Concerned frown.]


[video] togana_keiri August 31 2010, 05:57:57 UTC
[She sighs and rubs her temple. He's new. How many was that now...three?]

Soul, I need you to listen to me, and trust me no matter how crazy this sounds.

You've been kidnapped from our Earth and taken to another planet. Don't ask how, none of us really know. The people who took you, and everyone else here, are called the Consortium. Usually they keep us in a placed called the facility, but every once in a while they send us to copies of other worlds. That's what this is. This place is extremely dangerous.

It's too much to explain right now, but you shouldn't be alone. I'm going to come and find you. Just try and stay safe, and hide if you need to.


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 06:05:15 UTC
[That is waaay too much for him to take in. So he'll absorb this later, and probably question her more.]

You shouldn't come out alone to find me. I'll be fine.


[video] togana_keiri August 31 2010, 06:11:12 UTC
You don't understand, you won't be fine on your own. I'm coming, and you can't stop me.

[Other world Soul or not, he's still Soul and there's no way she's leaving him on his own.]


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 06:15:05 UTC
What makes you think you'd be okay by yourself?

[Ugh, he knows there's no arguing with a stubborn Maka. He's only giving in because she has soul perception, and he doesn't. Damn it all, he feels useless, and he hates the feeling.]

...Don't do anything stupid.


[video] togana_keiri August 31 2010, 06:23:13 UTC
I know this place better than you. [Sort of. Not really since it's F3, but she's not explaining that much just yet.]

I won't. [She sends him a determined grin.] You either.


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 06:27:59 UTC
[He just gives her a disgruntled look before leaning against a wall to wait for her.]


[video] sharktoothz August 31 2010, 10:52:30 UTC
[GRRRR oh wait he's not supposed to growl uh. Grumpy?]

Great. More.


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 19:34:33 UTC


Any reason why you look like me?


[video] sharktoothz August 31 2010, 19:39:28 UTC
[Fuck. There's that urge to stab again. Keeping it down.]


Cause. I am you. [So bored. WHY ARE THERE TWO OTHER HIMS.]


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 19:51:40 UTC
[frowns] That's not possible.

[glances around again, as if his apartment door will miraculously appear]

What kind of dimension did I get sucked into?


[video] sharktoothz August 31 2010, 19:54:01 UTC
That's what I was thinking. [Must. Be. Nice. Don't want to get hit.]

Just...great. Now there's you and another me running around. [SIIIIIIIGH.]


[video] dissonant_waltz August 31 2010, 20:02:37 UTC
[He still thinks this is a trick. Have a suspicious look.]

Three of us?

[This means that one of the other Souls can distract Maka, so maybe he won't get Maka Chopped! Alright, this might not be so bad after all.]


[video] sharktoothz August 31 2010, 20:07:35 UTC
[He still sorta thinks you're an evil copy. Wants to stab. So badly.]

Seems that way.

[AND WES IS HERE but not saying. Anything.]


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