[Ishtar hits the ground with a faint plop. Though, thankfully it was her bed. Getting up from it she rubbed her side. Sidia sort of dug into her side when she landed on it. It was sheathed, thank goodness. She stepped to the side to get off the bed only to fall on her butt.]
[She rubs her bum as she tries to get up again. Must be the lack of moving around with her feet, but Ishtar didn't even consider that at the moment. She tried to stand again with little avail. Dammit, this was really annoying. She grasped the end of the bed and lifted herself up, smiling a bit wearily]
Ahaha...well damn... that was embarrassing.
[She notices the screen]
You turned on again?!
[Ishtar reaches for it and managed to grab the faciliberry but instead of standing up she fell over again and the feed cuts with a loud thump]
ooc; Ishtar has no idea what the heck happened to Duzell.. least not yet. so yeah >>